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A collection of resources for WordPress Developers, written and curated by experts

Recent Posts

The Developer’s Advanced Guide to the wp-config File

How well do you really know wp-config? There’s a surprising amount of power in those few lines of PHP! This article is a tour of some bits of wp-config that…

Ross Wintle

Sep 27, 2022

Managing Your WordPress Site With Git and Composer

Managing WordPress with Git and Composer has some big advantages. In particular, it can give you version control and helps get new people up to speed quickly. But it’s not…

Ross Wintle

Jul 6, 2022

PHP Static Analysis

Get Started with PHP Static Code Analysis

Imagine a world where your IDE or code editor detected problems before you even ran the code. Imagine if whole categories of errors could be automatically identified and easily eliminated…

Ross Wintle

Dec 21, 2021