Uninstall WP Offload SES
To completely uninstall WP Offload SES, follow the steps below. Before doing so remember to take a backup of your database. If you have WP Migrate DB installed, you can use that, or you can use another MySQL tool like PHPMyAdmin.
Deactivate the Plugin
Deactivate the plugin as normal from the WordPress Plugins page. If you’re completely removing the plugin, you can delete it at this point as well.
Use a plugin such as WP Crontrol to ensure that the following cron events have been removed:
- deliciousbrains_wp_offload_ses_queue_connection
- deliciousbrains_wp_offload_ses_log_cleanup
- deliciousbrains_wp_offload_ses_health_report
Database Cleanup
Run the following queries via the CLI or using a tool such as phpMyAdmin. Remember to substitute wp_
with your database prefix.
Options and Transients
DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE '%wposes_%';
Database Tables
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_oses_clicks, wp_oses_emails, wp_oses_failures, wp_oses_jobs, wp_oses_attachments, wp_oses_email_attachments;
If you’re uninstalling the plugin because you had an issue getting it to work or ran into some other error, we’d love the chance to fix it. Feel free to reach out via the Support tab in the plugin before you uninstall to let us know more about the issue.