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WP Migrate 2.6.13

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Pulling a subsite from a multisite network to a single site via WP-CLI now migrates the appropriate database tables
Bug Fixes
  • A new filter wpmdb_check_table_column_for_reference now helps to avoid memory errors by excluding columns from the find and replace operation when a serialized reference is detected

WP Migrate 2.6.12

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Pull migrations are no longer broken by tables with multiple unique indexes

WP Migrate 2.6.11

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Security: Plugin configuration data now uses JSON encoding instead of serialization to prevent PHP Object Injection (thanks to Patchstack for responsible disclosure on January 15, 2024 followed by development and testing of the fix by WP Engine)
  • Security: Unserializing an object during find and replace operations now passes 'allowed_classes' => false to avoid instantiating the complete object and potentially running malicious code stored in the database
  • Security: The wp-queue library now ensures that only its own classes can be unserialized via allowed_classes
  • Sites with "bundle" or "runtime" in the domain name can now load plugin pages in WP Admin

WP Migrate 2.6.10

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Links to plugin documentation, support, feedback, and changelog are now available in the footer of WP Admin
  • Migration performance is now improved for sites that do not organize uploads into month- and year-based folders
Bug Fixes
  • Form data types are now consistent when using default fallbacks

WP Migrate 2.6.9


  • PHP 8.2 and WP Migrate are now compatible
  • CLI migrations no longer produce warnings related to undefined array keys in multisite tools

WP Migrate 2.6.8

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • All-In-One Security and WP Migrate are now more compatible as a result of skipping the stacktrace column in the aiowps_audit_log table during find and replace operations
  • Multisite Tools are now only displayed when a qualifying license has been activated

WP Migrate 2.6.7

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Exports are now compatible with PHP 8.1+

WP Migrate 2.6.6

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Migrations including Themes, Plugins, Must-Use Plugins, and Other Files now properly move those files into place during finalization.

WP Migrate 2.6.5

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Migrations no longer cause PHP notices when a file path is null
  • Multisite CLI migrations using the --subsite argument once again add users to the correct tables
  • CLI migrations using the profile subcommand now work reliably even if older profiles have been deleted
  • Profiles are now loaded with the expected Database settings immediately after a remote plugin update

WP Migrate 2.6.4

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Easy Updates Manager and WP Migrate are now more compatible as a result of skipping the eum_logs table
  • Inactive licenses can now be reactivated from the plugin
Bug Fixes
  • Migrations no longer cause PHP warnings that mention an “undefined array key”

WP Migrate 2.6.2

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Domain and path values are once again pre-populated when exporting the database after being temporarily removed in version 2.6.0
  • Sites with firewall plugins such as Wordfence and Defender Pro now communicate possible compatibility issues when enabling push migrations
  • Zlib compression is no longer used in pull operations, resulting in faster migrations
Bug Fixes
  • The multisite tools panel is no longer hidden in Find & Replace profiles

WP Migrate 2.6.3

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Reverted a change from 2.6.2 that inadvertently caused profiles with all post types selected to behave as if no post types were selected

WP Migrate 2.6.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Duplicator is now more compatible as a result of skipping references in the duplicator_packages table
  • Windows servers and WAMP are now more compatible due to consistent handling of file paths
  • Folder permission errors are now shown before starting a migration
Bug Fixes
  • Export file downloads no longer cause PHP warnings and notices
  • Non-alphanumeric characters no longer break exported file downloads
  • Media uploads date picker styles are no longer broken
  • CLI migrations that include files once again complete without error

WP Migrate 2.6 Released: Full-Site Exports and Import to Local

Today we’re pleased to announce the release of WP Migrate 2.6, which introduces full-site exports and a new integration for seamlessly importing to Local. Together, WP Migrate and Local are…

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WP Migrate 2.6.0

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Full-site exports including the database and files are now available to all users
  • Exported ZIP archives are now compatible with drag-and-drop importing to Local
  • Highlights from recent releases are now communicated through the What’s New tab
  • Exports can now be performed without defining the URL or Path
  • CLI exports can once again accept paths with slashes so an export can be saved to a directory that is different from where the command is executed
Bug Fixes
  • Large export file downloads no longer cause errors
  • All profile panels are now available immediately after a license has been added
  • Defining the UPLOADS constant with a location outside of wp-content no longer causes an error when migrating files

WP Migrate 2.5 Released: High-Performance File Transfers for All

Today we’re pleased to announce the official release of WP Migrate 2.5, which brings High-Performance File Transfers out of beta and into its new role as the standard file transfer…

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WP Migrate 2.5.0

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • High-performance file transfers have left public beta and are now automatically applied to new and existing migration profiles
  • Push and pull migrations via CLI are now more compatible with PHP 8
  • Doctrine Cache is no longer a dependency
Bug Fixes
  • HTML entities in profile names are now rendered correctly

WP Migrate 2.4.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Limited file permissions outside of the uploads directory no longer prevent find and replace operations on hosts like Pantheon
  • Excluded file defaults for caches and backups are now limited to directories
  • Empty custom pairs are no longer processed during find and replace operations

WP Migrate 2.4.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • All log files, backup and cache directories contained in the uploads directory are now excluded by default
Bug Fixes
  • Push and pull migrations involving WP Engine can now be repeated without reloading the profile
  • Missing mu-plugins directory no longer causes a fatal error
  • Database imports are now more compatible with PHP 8 and above
  • Find and replace via CLI is now more compatible with PHP 8 and above
  • Push and pull migrations via CLI no longer show PHP notices and warnings

WP Migrate 2.4 Released: Faster Migrations, Must-Use Plugins, WP Engine Compatibility, and More

Today we’re pleased to announce the official release of WP Migrate 2.4. With new capabilities for migrating must-use plugins and other files in the wp-content directory, it’s now possible to…

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WP Migrate 2.4.0

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Must-Use Plugins and Other Files in wp-content can now be migrated
  • High-Performance File Transfers have now entered public beta
  • Real-time metrics are now presented during file transfer stages
  • File transfer statistics can now be downloaded after a successful migration
  • Temporary tables and directories are now cleaned up after migration failure
  • Re-rendering of the user interface is now optimized
  • Settings sliders are now more accessible
  • Migration complete modal is now more accessible
Bug Fixes
  • First-time connections after a fresh install no longer cause JS error
  • First Custom Find & Replace field is no longer pre-filled with subsite URL
  • Subsite media migrations now migrate to the correct directory
  • Multisite tools no longer cause a PHP warning during single-site media migrations
  • Migrating without database no longer creates warnings using PHP 8
  • Migrations without themes or plugins no longer require FS writability check

WP Migrate 2.3.4

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Push migrations to WP Engine can now include themes and plugins
  • Settings sliders now have a visible focus style and improved keyboard accessibility
  • Error log messages now provide additional context about the migration to assist our support team
Bug Fixes
  • Find & Replace regex can now include special characters such as < and >
  • Subsite-to-subsite migrations involving two different site IDs now migrate media from the correct source
  • Errors related to ajax_verify_connection_to_remote_site have been reduced

WP Migrate 2.3.3

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • WP Migrate no longer initializes on pages outside of WP Admin in order to improve front-end performance
  • Pulling themes or plugins without the database now works on the first attempt
  • Migrations without the database are now compatible with PHP 8 or above
  • Network-to-network migrations via the CLI now process without warnings
  • Compatibility mode path now uses the proper case to avoid errors with case-sensitive file systems

WP Migrate 2.3.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • License API is no longer called with every page visit

WP Migrate 2.3.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Migration profile performance is no longer slowed down by UI changes introduced in 2.3.0
  • WP-CLI integration is now enabled correctly when the plugin is updated outside of WP Admin via Composer, WP-CLI, or third-party service
  • WP-CLI setting subcommand is now available without a license so that it may be used to activate a license
  • Time zone now defaults to UTC if one cannot be detected
  • Migration profiles without excludes defined no longer cause errors in WP Admin

WP Migrate 2.3 Released: Database-Less and Subsite-to-Subsite Migrations, Version Comparisons, and a New Name

Today we’re pleased to announce the official release of WP Migrate 2.3. Yep, you read that correctly, we’ve dropped the “DB Pro.” We’ll discuss more about the name change later…

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WP Migrate 2.3.0

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • “WP Migrate DB Pro” is now “WP Migrate”
  • Addon functionality is now part of the core plugin
  • Database-less migrations no longer require a database table to be selected
  • Subsite-to-subsite migrations push/pull subsites directly across multisite networks
  • Themes and plugins now communicate version differences across sites
  • CLI commands now support migrate base command as an alias of migratedb
  • CLI exports no longer require find/replace arguments
  • Migration profile panels are now closed when opening existing profiles
  • Notices are now styled to reflect their state (success, error, warning, or information)
Bug Fixes
  • Subsite migrations now only migrate media related to the selected subsite
  • Subsite exports now preselect tables based on the selected subsite
  • Themes excludes and plugins excludes are no longer linked
  • License key is no longer checked on non-admin pages

WP Migrate 2.2.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Updating WP Migrate DB Pro via WP-CLI now includes license key in the download link
  • Opening Find & Replace no longer results in a JavaScript error when SCRIPT_DEBUG is true
  • Custom Find & Replace URL for exports no longer includes the protocol
  • Altered unsaved profiles can now be saved

WP Migrate 2.2.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • WP Migrate DB Pro license-related API calls are now faster, which significantly decreases load times for WP admin pages such as “Plugins” and “Tools > Migrate DB Pro”
Bug Fixes
  • Running a pull migration with different database prefixes no longer causes PHP notices
  • WP Migrate DB profiles can now be re-saved without requiring a page refresh

Multisite Tools 1.4.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Find & Replace tool once again preselects the appropriate tables when targeting a subsite

WP Migrate DB Pro 2.2 Released: Find & Replace Preview, Support for Different Table Prefixes, UX Improvements, and More

We’ve just released more awesome updates to our flagship product, WP Migrate DB Pro! If we had to choose one word to summarize this release, it would be precision. This…

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WP Migrate 2.2.0

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Find & Replace tool now includes an option to preview changes before applying them to the database
  • Find & Replace tool now offers a granular preview of the diff for each database record before the change is applied
  • Migrating between sites with different table prefixes is now possible as the destination tables are automatically updated to match the destination site's wp-config.php file
  • Keyboard navigation is now more accessible thanks to new focus styles throughout plugin
  • Addon plugin thumbnails now display on the WordPress updates screen
Bug Fixes
  • WP Migrate DB Pro is now more compatible other plugins that use Composer's autoloader and have dependencies with the same name
  • WP Migrate DB Pro is now compatible with WPML when default language is added to the url

Media Files 2.1.0


  • New and modified media files can now be migrated based on the date of the last migration or a user-specified date

CLI 1.6.0

New Features

  • Migrating between sites with different table prefixes is now possible when running a migration from the CLI

Multisite Tools 1.4.0

New Features

  • Migrating between sites with different table prefixes is now possible when running a migration to or from a multisite

Theme & Plugin Files 1.2.0

New Features, Improvements

  • Migrations can now include only active themes and plugins
  • Migrations can now exclude user-specified themes and plugins
  • Migration profiles that include all themes are now aware of newly installed themes and plugins added after the creation of the profile

WP Migrate 2.1.2


  • Accessibility: Better support for Skip to main content keyboard navigation.
  • Resetting the secret key won’t require a full page refresh to take effect.

Media Files 2.0.3

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Migration gets stuck on scanning the media library with a large file count.
  • Some files aren’t migrated when using CLI.

Theme & Plugin Files 1.1.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Migration gets stuck on scanning the theme/plugin files with a large file count.
  • Migration fails with the error message Temporary file not found.

WP Migrate 2.1.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Migrations can now be run on sites that use the default permalink structure
Bug Fixes
  • PHP fatal error when running find and replace on a serialized unclonable object
  • PHP notices during an existing find and replace related to the addition of regex support
  • PHP notice during plugin upgrade under certain circumstances

WP Migrate DB Pro 2.1 Released: Regular Expression and Case-Sensitive Find and Replace, Accessibility Improvements, and More

WP Migrate DB Pro 2.0 was probably our most significant update to date, and we were pretty excited to get it released to our customers. After four bugfix releases to…

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WP Migrate 2.1

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Regular expression custom find and replace
  • Case-sensitive custom find and replace
  • Show a notice when the REST API is disabled or inaccessible
  • Allow the tables select area to be expanded
  • Allow a table range selection and deselection, using the mouse and a keyboard shortcut (Shift + Click)
Bug Fixes
  • Exclude file patterns were skipped when separated by an extra newline

CLI 1.5

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Regular expression custom find and replace
  • Case-sensitive custom find and replace
Bug Fixes
  • Ability to get/update per user license keys via CLI

WP Migrate 2.0.4

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • License key activated for each WordPress user, to support the new Organization licenses. Learn more
  • Using tabular fonts for numbers to prevent them from jumping around during a migration
Bug Fixes
  • Plugins list scrolls to the top when performing multi-selection
  • Filenames with Non-UTF8 characters causes media file migrations to fail
  • Support form shows Please select your email address when the email is already selected

CLI 1.4.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Some PHP files can be directly accessed in a browser

Multisite Tools 1.3.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Some PHP files can be directly accessed in a browser

WP Migrate 2.0.3

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WPML's "Use directory for default language" option, fixing REST API not working when that option is enabled
  • "Search & Replace" updated to "Find & Replace" for consistency
  • Email address in support form selected automatically if no other emails are available
Bug Fixes
  • Basic auth credentials with special characters didn’t work
  • PHP 8 usort notice
  • Some PHP files can be directly accessed in a browser
  • Clicking "Activate Your License" didn't make the Settings tab active
  • Rewrite rules lost after migration
  • Error loading JavaScript assets in sites with build in the path

Media Files 2.0.2

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Support for large media library migrations
  • Support for symlinked uploads directory
Bug Fixes
  • Memory exhaustion error when migrating large media libraries
  • Excluded directories not being ignored during media library scan
  • Custom uploads directory path outside of wp-content folder not migrating correctly

Theme & Plugin Files 1.1.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Support for symlinked themes and plugins directories
Bug Fixes
  • Excluded directories not being ignored during theme and plugin folders scan

WP Migrate 2.0.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Replacing a string with nothing not supported
  • Plugin not working on sites with a custom REST API URL
  • Plugin not working on sites with a custom plugin directory
  • 'gmdateI18n' function not available on older versions of WordPress
  • Javascript file with tilde in filename blocked by some firewalls

Media Files 2.0.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Media files push migrations not working if local site has a custom uploads directory

WP Migrate 2.0.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Delay between request setting not imported correctly from WP Migrate DB Pro version 1.9
  • Updating core plugin on remote during migration not working
  • Changelog for Theme & Plugin files addon is not displaying correctly

WP Migrate DB Pro 2.0 Released: New React-Powered UI, New Media Files Addon, Remote Plugin Updates, and More

I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by. Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt Can you believe it’s been almost two and a half…

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WP Migrate 2.0

New Features

  • Brand new user interface powered by React
  • Dedicated backup migration type
  • Automatically save the last 10 migrations
  • Ability to rename profiles from the profiles tab
  • Ability to remotely update WP Migrate DB Pro and its addons on the remote site when connecting for migration
  • Added 'wpmdb_replace_json_encode_flags' filter for modifying how data is JSON-encoded during a search/replace

Media Files 2.0

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 2.0
  • Complete rewrite of the Media Files addon
  • Determine media to migrate by scanning the filesystem instead of the database
  • Replaced old migration options with migrate all files and migrate new files since a specified date
  • Ability to exclude specific file types from the media migration

CLI 1.4

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 2.0
  • Migrate theme & plugin files with the CLI addon
  • wp migratedb profile command now supports profile name in addition to ID

Multisite Tools 1.3

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 2.0

Theme & Plugin Files 1.1

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 2.0
  • Migrate theme & plugin files with the CLI addon
  • Separate "Excludes" boxes for themes and plugins
Bug Fixes
  • Theme files in subfolders not migrated

WP Migrate 1.9.14

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Fix several styling issues
  • Replace ANSI quotes with backticks for better MySQL compatibility
  • Convert ANSI quotes in SQL files before running import
Bug Fixes
  • Deprecated PHP code causes warnings in PHP 8+
  • Regex to match recursive serialized records matches non-serialized data
  • Invert selection UI option doesn't work on newer versions of WordPress

Media Files 1.4.16


  • Pushing large files causes memory exhaustion

Theme & Plugin Files 1.0.6

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Parameter ordering in get_local_files() method throws warning in PHP 8+
  • Deprecated PHP code causes warnings in PHP 8+

WP Migrate 1.9.13

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Import and Find & Replace migrations are not replacing data that is JSON encoded
  • The Filesystem::chmod() method does not function correctly and silently logs an error
  • Running a migration without find and replace values throws a PHP warning

WP Migrate 1.9.11

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Invalid $_POST values are returned in plain text which is a cross site scripting (XSS) risk

WP Migrate 1.9.12

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Check boxes are not saved correctly in plugin settings

WP Migrate 1.9.10

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • PHP warning during backup stage of migration due to JSON find & replace introduced in 1.9.9
  • Updating the plugin triggers a warning on PHP 7.4+
  • Usage of get_magic_quotes_gpc() triggers a warning on PHP 7.4+
  • WordPress home and site_url values are set incorrectly on multisite installs with the 'ms_files_rewriting' option set

WP Migrate 1.9.9

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Search & replace did not work with JSON encoded content in the wp_posts table ?
  • Import migrations not correctly parsing file header in Windows environments

Media Files 1.4.15

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Large full size original images are not migrated if they are cropped or resized

WP Migrate 1.9.8

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Call to undefined end_ajax() method
  • Use of PHP compact() function not working with PHP 7.3+

WP Migrate 1.9.7

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Sanitize $_GET parameter when triggering download for export
  • Sanitize $_GET parameter when downloading backup file

WP Migrate 1.9.6

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • WP_Filesystem initialized on all wp-admin pages
  • Port not added to replacement URL when running a multisite migration
  • For MySQL 8 compatibility, use uppercase TABLE_NAME column when getting table row counts

Media Files 1.4.14

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Storing file data in the wp_options table can cause max_allowed_packet errors

Multisite Tools 1.2.6

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • wp_ default prefix used when updating user roles

Behind-the-Scenes: Replacing All of WP Migrate DB Pro’s jQuery with React

My latest task for WP Migrate DB Pro is creating a new user interface and rewriting all the JavaScript for the plugin and addons. It is no small feat, let…

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WP Migrate 1.9.5

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Users are not correctly pulled into multisite installs from single sites

WP Migrate 1.9.4

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Import fails if SQL file includes the wp_options table

WP Migrate 1.9.3

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Refactor to remove third-party dependency injection container
  • MySQL 8 compatibility
Bug Fixes
  • Bit fields with a value of NULL are handled incorrectly
  • Media determination fails on multisite blogs where upload_path is set

Media Files 1.4.13

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Refactor media files push migrations to not get caught by firewalls
  • Refactor to remove third-party dependency injection container
  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.9.3
Bug Fixes
  • When selecting 'Compare, upload then remove' migration hangs on media stage
  • Media determination fails on multisite blogs where upload_path is set

CLI 1.3.5


  • Refactor to remove third-party dependency injection container
  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.9.3

Multisite Tools 1.2.5

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Refactor to remove third-party dependency injection container
  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.9.3
Bug Fixes
  • edit_last wp_postmeta record not updated when pulling a single site into a subsite

Theme & Plugin Files 1.0.5

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Refactor to remove third-party dependency injection container
  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.9.3
Bug Fixes
  • Running a CLI migration profile that includes themes and plugins causes an error

WP Migrate 1.9.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Migrations time out when transferring large database tables

Multisite Tools 1.2.4

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.9.2
Bug Fixes
  • Migrations time out when transferring large database tables

WP Migrate 1.9.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Remove deprecated PHP code making PHP 7+ compatibility checks pass
Bug Fixes
  • WordPress filesystem class not correctly loaded and causes 500 error

Media Files 1.4.12

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Cli folder not renamed during plugin update

Multisite Tools 1.2.3

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Cli folder not renamed during plugin update

WP Migrate DB Pro 1.9 Released: New Backups Tab and Refactored PHP

A mere eleven-or-so weeks after the release of the Theme & Plugin Files addon, WP Migrate DB Pro version 1.9 is out the door! We’ve added a brand new backups…

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WP Migrate 1.9

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Increased PHP version requirement from PHP 5.2+ to PHP 5.4+
  • Backups tab that lists database backups with download and delete features
  • Major reorganization of the PHP code into better classes and a better folder structure
Bug Fixes
  • Plugin throws JavaScript error in IE11
  • Reset Secret Key does not update displayed secret key after using Copy to Clipboard

Media Files 1.4.11

New Features, Improvements

  • Increased PHP version requirement from PHP 5.2+ to PHP 5.4+
  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.9
  • Major reorganization of the PHP code into better classes and a better folder structure

CLI 1.3.4

New Features, Improvements

  • Increased PHP version requirement from PHP 5.2+ to PHP 5.4+
  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.9
  • Major reorganization of the PHP code into better classes and a better folder structure

Multisite Tools 1.2.2

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Increased PHP version requirement from PHP 5.2+ to PHP 5.4+
  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.9
  • Major reorganization of the PHP code into better classes and a better folder structure
Bug Fixes
  • "Backup only tables selected for migration" option triggers a JavaScript error when pulling a single site
  • Incorrect prefix created when migrating a single site to a multisite instance when using the CLI and a saved profile

Theme & Plugin Files 1.0.4


  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.9
  • Major reorganization of the PHP code into better classes and a better folder structure

Behind-the-Scenes: Planning The Future of WP Migrate DB Pro

We often get questions about what’s coming next to WP Migrate DB Pro or if we ever plan to include X feature or support Y sites. After shipping our latest…

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WP Migrate 1.8.6

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • PHP 5.4+ syntax causes fatal error for sites running less than PHP 5.4

WP Migrate 1.8.5

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Increase width of new profile name input
Bug Fixes
  • Queue tables for file transfers created when not migrating themes or plugins
  • Some implementations of mod_security block Theme & Plugin File migrations
  • Self-referencing serialized data in the wp_options table causes memory exhaustion

Theme & Plugin Files 1.0.3


  • Do not show themes as active if on multisite

WP Migrate 1.8.4

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with Theme & Plugin Files 1.0.2
Bug Fixes
  • Image path broken in first time license activation message

Media Files 1.4.10


  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.8.2
  • Compatibility with Theme & Plugin Files 1.0

CLI 1.3.3


  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.8.2

Multisite Tools 1.2.1


  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.8.2
  • Compatibility with Theme & Plugin Files 1.0

Theme & Plugin Files 1.0.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Plugin name not shown when transferring a single file plugin
  • Servers using the New Relic PHP agent inject code into files during transfer

WP Migrate 1.8.3

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Overall progress bar spins when font-awesome loaded

Theme & Plugin Files 1.0.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • If two plugins share the same plugin 'slug' the second plugin takes precedence in UI
  • PHP notice output when running pushes or pulls on the CLI

Introducing the Theme & Plugin Files Addon for WP Migrate DB Pro

If you follow us on Twitter you may have a clue as to what we’ve been working on for the past few months, and you might be a little excited…

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WP Migrate 1.8.2

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Theme & Plugin Files addon
  • Ability to opt-in to usage tracking and help us improve the plugin
  • Ability to turn on update notices for future betas and update to a beta from the WordPress dashboard
  • wpmdb_initiate_migration, wpmdb_respond_to_push_cancellation, wpmdb_before_finalize_migration and wpmdb_cancellation actions added
  • Better diagnostic log formatting
  • Add remote host information to diagnostic log when errors occur
  • Switch to Webpack build tool and compiled ES2015 JavaScript
  • Refactor migration progress UI to display individual items by percentage
  • Added PHP 5.2 compatible autoloader for new class files
  • Better treatment of slashes in URLs to avoid issues caused by firewall restrictions
Bug Fixes
  • Duplicate items appearing in migration progress UI
  • Fatal error wp_parse_url() function missing on WordPress versions prior to 4.4
  • Usage of static keyword errors in PHP 5.2.4
  • Protocol replace fails when home_url() contains port

Theme & Plugin Files 1.0

New Features

  • Initial release

GDPR for WordPress Developers: Announcing the (Free) Anonymization Addon

Like me you are probably getting ten emails a day from companies announcing changes to their privacy policy or asking you to re-confirm your email address for marketing purposes. This…

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Multisite Tools Addon 1.2 Released: Migrate Single Sites To and From Multisites

It’s a happy day here at the Delicious Brains virtual office, we’ve just released version 1.2 of the Multisite Tools (MST) addon for WP Migrate DB Pro! Singular Drive Since…

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WP Migrate 1.8.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Import fails with files gzipped over command line
  • Switching from import or find & replace to push or pull doesn't force a reconnect
  • Some plugins causing "Invalid nonce" errors when using compatibility mode
  • Find values should be replace values when importing unrecongized import file
  • Curl throws error 52 when trying to connect to the remote site on some environments
  • Mixed collation error in WPMDB::get_post_types() on multisite installs
  • Error for invalid permissions for Exports not displaying

Media Files 1.4.9

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.8.1

CLI 1.3.2

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.8.1
  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro Multisite Tools 1.2

Multisite Tools 1.2

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Push/Pull single site install into/from multisite subsite
  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.8.1
Bug Fixes
  • Importing a subsite with the same user_login and user_email duplicates users
  • Subsite selector showing on single sites for find & replace
  • Find & Replace removes site path on multisite media items

WP Migrate DB Pro 1.8 Released: Import SQL File & More

The WP Migrate DB Pro team is very excited to announce the release of version 1.8! We’ve packed in an awesome new feature and improved a bunch of existing functionality.…

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WP Migrate 1.8

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Import any SQL file whether it was generated by the mysqldump command, phpMyAdmin, or WP Migrate DB Pro's export option (recommended)
  • Plugins and themes are disabled by default for HTTP requests made by WP Migrate DB Pro for better performance and compatibility
  • Page is reloaded automatically after migrations that alter the wp_options, wp_users, and wp_usermeta tables
  • Additional constants added to the diagnostic log for better debugging by our support team
  • Compatibility mode directory permission errors are now dismissable and fewer notices are displayed
  • Convert utf8_unicode_520_ci collation to utf8mb4_unicode_ci for MySQL < 5.6
Bug Fixes
  • Characters with improper database encoding cause migration to fail without warning
  • Find & Replace not operating on wp_site and wp_blogs tables on multisite
  • Migrations fail on spacial data types
  • CLI not warning about empty parameters
  • CLI progress bar is logged when the command is piped to file
  • Parse error on PHP 5.2
  • Row not set for wpmdb_replace_custom_data filter

Media Files 1.4.8

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Media Files migration breaks when WP_CONTENT_URL is set to a relative path

CLI 1.3.1

New Features

  • import subcommand added to import SQL files from the CLI

Multisite Tools 1.1.6

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Protocol replace not working when importing a single site into a subsite

Announcing serializededitor.com: A Visual Editor for PHP Serialized Data

I recently built a command line daemon in PHP to emulate AWS SQSD for the purposes of testing in Mergebot. As it turns out, one of the benefits of building…

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WP Migrate 1.7.2



WP Migrate 1.7.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Tables occasionally shown as completed twice, throwing off migration progress
  • Backups run before find/replace operations sometimes have incorrect encoding
  • Occasional unintended modification of HTTP responses for non WP Migrate DB Pro related requests

Media Files 1.4.7

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Multisite networks with > 100 sites can only select from first 100 sites when limiting media migration to specific subsite

Multisite Tools 1.1.5

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Multisite networks with > 100 sites can only select from first 100 sites for push/pull subsite

WP Migrate DB Pro 1.7 & CLI Addon 1.3 Released

Just 5 months after our last major release, I’m happy to announce the release of WP Migrate DB Pro 1.7 and CLI addon 1.3. In the past, we’ve struggled with…

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WP Migrate 1.7

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • In-place Find & Replace functionality added - a find and replace can now be run on a site's own database
  • CLI find-replace subcommand added
  • Automatically convert protocols between migration origin and destination (HTTPS <=> HTTP)
  • "Copy to Clipboard" button - formats the connection info string to a single line for usage with the CLI
  • Convert utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci collation to utf8mb4_unicode_ci for MySQL < 5.6
  • Display more helpful errors when SSL errors occur during a migration
  • Removed font-family declarations from stylesheets
  • Truncate WP Migrate DB Pro diagnostic log to always be < 1MB, to help with memory exhaustion errors
  • Added help tooltips for the default find and replace fields
  • Added multisite specific constants to the diagnostic log
  • "Clear Error Log" button only removes error messages and updates any changed diagnostic values
Bug Fixes
  • When the "Backup database before replacing it" option is selected, the option text doesn't match backed up tables prefix

Media Files 1.4.6

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.7
Bug Fixes
  • Using deprecated wp_get_sites() function causes PHP Notices in WordPress >= 4.6

CLI 1.3

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • setting subcommand added to get and update WP Migrate DB Pro settings from the CLI
  • profiles subcommand added to list available migration profiles on the CLI
  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.7
  • Display message when table prefixes differ between sites involved in a migration
  • Display accurate CLI error message when HTTPS connection fails
Bug Fixes
  • Multisite, subsite migrations are allowed when table prefixes differ between sites

Multisite Tools 1.1.4

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.7
Bug Fixes
  • Using deprecated wp_get_sites() function causes PHP Notices in WordPress >= 4.6

WP Migrate 1.6.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WordPress 4.6
  • Added WP Migrate DB menu item to Tools menu for Network administrators in multisite subsite administration screens
  • Total stage progress now remains visible when scrolling migration item progress
  • Progress bar animations now reflect paused migration state
  • JS files now include a version number to better avoid cache issues
  • Better handling of extraneous whitespace output from theme or plugins when unserializing request data
Bug Fixes
  • No error when switching between push and pull for connections where the remote has disabled the selected migration method
  • Legacy 32 character secret keys are not accepted
  • Leftover migration tables causing database errors on multisite installs
  • Migrating a subdomain based multisite to a subdomain URL causes subdomain to be repeated in URL replacements
  • When migrating a single item, the item's progress bar disappears when completed
  • Total Progress sometimes rounds up to 100% when migration is not yet complete
  • Included JS sourcemap causes errors when re-minified by CloudFlare
  • When using HTTPS and response is 401, connection URL is erroneously rewritten to HTTP

Media Files 1.4.5

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Media comparison not working for some migrations between standard and multisite installs

CLI 1.2.5

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • When profile has post types selected for exclusion but setting turned off, post types still excluded when running wp migratedb profile n

Multisite Tools 1.1.3

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Site activated plugins not migrated from subsite to single site
  • Subsite tables with names resembling core tables are always selected when performing a subsite push

WP Migrate DB Pro 1.6 Released

WP Migrate DB Pro had its third birthday just over a week ago. Yep, 3 years since the first release! Since it’s launch, WP Migrate DB Pro’s UI has been…

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WP Migrate 1.6

New Features, Improvements

  • Migration progress UI
  • Individual table migration progress
  • Migration progress shown in title bar
  • Settings tab UI
  • Helpful greeting when activating a license for the first time
  • Adding a new find/replace row now automatically adds focus to the new "find" input
  • More reliable filesystem operations
  • Better grammar in migration modal
  • Compatibility with WordPress 4.5

Media Files 1.4.4

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.6
Bug Fixes
  • Some open_basedir restrictions would cause errors when moving migrated files into place, even when the restrictions were not on the destination paths
  • Multisite installs with large amounts of files to migrate would sometimes experience a never-ending "determining media to migrate" phase
  • Media migrations where there are no media files on source site would hang

CLI 1.2.4

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.6

Multisite Tools 1.1.2

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.6
Bug Fixes
  • Incorrect table selection when switching between push and pull for subsite migrations to/from single site installs

WP Migrate 1.5.5

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • CLI --include-tables and --exclude-post-types arguments not available
  • Exclude Site Transients option not saving to profile

Media Files 1.4.3

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • "File too big" error when post_max_size and upload_max_filesize not set (looking at you HHVM)
  • Fixed cause of warning about trying to remove remote files that were successfully removed.

Multisite Tools 1.1.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Broken Pull Into Subsite when server returns integer as string (looking at you HHVM)

WP Migrate 1.5.4

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro Multisite Tools 1.1
  • CLI errors more consistent with WP-CLI format when unknown parameters supplied
Bug Fixes
  • Target site's options for upload_path and upload_url_path should be preserved by default
  • Fixed cause of blank error messages when remote host could not be resolved
  • Fixed problem with partial matches with WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS entries not resolving

Media Files 1.4.2

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.5.4
  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro Multisite Tools 1.1

CLI 1.2.3

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.5.4
  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro Multisite Tools 1.1
  • CLI errors more consistent with WP-CLI format when unknown parameters supplied
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed cause of "Error: Unable to move exported file" when running saved export profile

Multisite Tools 1.1

New Features

  • Push subsite to single site install (optionally with media)
  • Pull single site install into subsite (optionally with media)
  • Users filtered to only those required for migrated site content

WP Migrate 1.5.3

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Added "Pause before replacing migrated tables" advanced option
  • "Migrate" button renamed to "Export"
  • Remove Find & Replace row icon is now a little dimmer to reduce UI clutter
  • The wpmdb_tables filter can now be used to alter tables shown in UI
  • Compatibility with WordPress 4.4
Bug Fixes
  • Foreign key constraints being applied to deleted mig tables

Media Files 1.4.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Not handling glob returning false on some systems
  • Media Files migrations failing with Roots/Trellis framework when using WP_Filesystem

WP Migrate 1.5.2

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Information about current theme added to help tab debugging information
Bug Fixes
  • CLI exports not handling --include-tables argument properly
  • Version mismatch errors are scrambled, unreadable in earlier versions of WP Migrate DB Pro
  • WP Migrate DB Pro breaks in WordPress versions < 3.6 due to use of wp_unslash()
  • Incorrect error message when trying to migrate from utf8mb4 → utf8

Media Files 1.4

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.5.2
  • Option to only transfer media for selected subsites in multisite installs
  • AJAX requests improved to reduce redundant data transfer, processing
  • Use WP_Filesystem when possible to improve reliability of filesystem operations
  • Simplified media file migration options to 3 radio buttons
  • Refactored "compare, upload, then remove" functionality into batches to reduce timeouts
Bug Fixes
  • Progress text in migration modal is incorrect when resuming after pause
  • Primary site in multisite installs not properly detected when BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE is not '1'
  • "Compare and remove" removes more files than expected

CLI 1.2.2

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.5.2
  • Add argument to only transfer media for selected subsites in multisite installs
Bug Fixes
  • Profile migrations not checking if remote has Media Files addon enabled, resulting in migration error

Multisite Tools 1.0.2

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.5.2
Bug Fixes
  • Error when clicking "View version details" in plugins list

WP Migrate 1.5.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Display better error message when remote server goes away unexpectedly
  • Added more diagnostic info to facilitate debugging
  • Avoid migrating utf8mb4 tables to databases that don't support it
  • Global JS variables moved to single global object to avoid conflicts
Bug Fixes
  • Default find/replace values not updating when connection info changes
  • Table sizes not displayed in table select list
  • WP Migrate DB and Pro can be activated at the same time when activating plugins in bulk or via WP CLI
  • BINARY data not migrating properly
  • BIT data not migrating properly
  • When post_max_size is set to 0 (unlimited), wpmdb_bottleneck is broken
  • Sanitization rules failing when local site's URL contains a space

Media Files 1.3.3

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.5.1

CLI 1.2.1

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.5.1
  • --find and --replace now accept values in csv format, enables commas in find/replace
Bug Fixes
  • WP CLI errors when CLI addon is active but WP Migrate DB Pro isn't

Multisite Tools 1.0.1

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.5.1
Bug Fixes
  • Non-core tables not being renamed correctly

WP Migrate DB Pro 1.5 & Multisite Tools Addon 1.0 Released

We’re very excited to announce the release of WP Migrate DB Pro 1.5 and the all-new Multisite Tools addon. We’ve already cheated a little by giving you a video preview…

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WP Migrate 1.5

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Delay Between Requests slider control added to Settings tab
  • Multisite Tools addon compatibility
  • WP-CLI export subcommand
  • Quick copy find textbox value to replace textbox by clicking arrow icon in between (hat tip Jonathan Perlman)
  • Added filters to hook into find & replace routine and deal with encoded data (example)
  • Greatly reduced data passed through each HTTP request for better security and reliability
  • Massive overhaul of input sanitization for better security
  • Add mig prefix to wpmdb_alter_statements table
  • Cleanup wpmdb_alter_statements tables from failed migrations
  • Show dimmed remove icons in find & replace rows to indicate they can be removed
  • Dim remove icons next to saved profiles
  • Better error message when empty response received from remote server
  • Added diagnostic info to facilitate debugging and decrease time to resolution for support requests
  • Warning notice when WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL constant is set to true
  • Leave it to WordPress core to convert tables to utf8mb4
  • Workaround to fix issues with Siteground's staging environments
  • Always show addons on the Addons tab regardless of license
  • Connection Info box receives focus upon selecting Push or Pull option
  • Retired the third-party callable function wpmdb_migrate()
Bug Fixes
  • Connection URL with space(s) in beginning failing
  • Cancelling a gzipped Export does not remove file
  • Unusual table names causing regular expressions to fail
  • Preserving options not working when default subsite is not 1
  • NAN% shown at beginning of a migration
  • Migration progress bar is overflowing the scale, passing 100%
  • Custom post type links broken after migration with Compatibility Mode enabled
  • Saving a new profile does not change the URL to that saved profile URL
  • jQuery.parseJSON requires a valid JSON string when changing Maximum Request Size slider
  • Maximum Request Size slider showing 1 MB max even when max is less than 1 MB
  • Able to resume a paused Export before it finishes pausing
  • Duplicate constraints
  • "New URL Missing" and "New File Path Missing" notices shown when they should be hidden
  • "Check my license again" on Plugins page not working properly
  • "Connect" button not working after getting "you've entered the secret key for this web site" error
  • PHP warning when Compatibility Mode enabled but no plugins selected

Media Files 1.3.2

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.5
  • Minified JS
Bug Fixes
  • Migration halted when file too large to upload
  • Migration files ending in .sql.gz are deleted
  • Translation function and sprintf() reversed

CLI 1.2

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.5
  • Multisite Tools addon command line arguments added
  • Show number of media files we're uploading
Bug Fixes
  • Sometimes progress indicator does not show as completed
  • WP Migrate DB Pro updates and addon updates not showing in wp plugin list
  • No error when --include-tables contains a table that does not exist
  • No license expired notice shown on the Plugins page
  • HTML in error messages
  • No error when Media Files addon inactive on local site and running profile command migration and profile is setup to migrate media
  • Invalid --media value doesn't result in error

Multisite Tools 1.0

New Features

  • Initial release.

WP Migrate 1.4.7

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

WP Migrate 1.4.6

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Fatal PHP error when default URL find & replace removed or edited

Media Files 1.3.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Fatal PHP error on PHP 5.2.x

Media Files addon 1.3 & CLI addon 1.1 Released

We’ve put a lot of work into these releases and are happy to be sharing them with you finally. For a brief list of the changes, see the Media Files addon changelog or the CLI…

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WP Migrate 1.4.5

New Features

  • Compatibility with Media Files 1.3
  • Compatibility with CLI 1.2

Media Files 1.3

New Features

  • Complete rewrite
  • Compare remote and local files in batches to fix timeout problems on some common server configurations
  • Display progress of comparison and file deletion
  • Progress reporting on the CLI

CLI 1.1

New Features

  • Renamed wpmdb command to migratedb
  • Renamed migrate subcommand to profile (docs)
  • push/pull subcommands (docs)
  • Backward compatibility with old commands and subcommands
  • Migration progress display
  • Better error feedback

WP Migrate DB Pro 1.4.4 & Media Files 1.2 Released

Way back in May, we had Daniel Bachhuber do a code review for us. Daniel is a very talented developer, used to work on the WordPress VIP team and currently…

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WP Migrate 1.4.4

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • breadcrumb-style UI for saved profiles
  • Brazilian Portugese translation
  • Added .htaccess to backup folder to help prevent direct downloads
  • False values not included in signature
  • Increased secret key length to 40 characters
  • Truly secret keys using wp_rand()
  • Compatibility with TGM Plugin Activation
  • Fixed hundreds of PHP Code Sniffer warnings
  • Switch to update_site_option() and get_site_option()
  • Cleaner and more instructive error message on JSON decoding failure
  • New hooks to massage data before and after find & replace
  • Common server security rules better accommodated
  • Better compatibility with SSL on WP Engine
  • Minify all the Javascripts
  • Use PHP's DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR instead of our own constant
  • Updated tons of translation strings to be translator-friendly
  • Find & replace field error messages could suggest removing the fields
  • Download button for Diagnostic Info & Error Log
  • Push/pull still available when our API is down
  • Smoother license reactivation
  • Copy license to remote install
  • Added instructions to error message when secret keys are the same
Bug Fixes
  • 404 errors after successful migrations due to caching
  • Multisite exports broken on PHP < 5.4.7
  • Using relative paths for file includes
  • Typing new profile name does not select "Create new profile" option
  • Find & replace field errors stick around even after removing fields
  • wpmdb_error_log option is auto loading
  • Inconsistent stripping of slashes
  • Spinner is inconsistent with WP 3.8+ spinner
  • Apostrophe in path not being handled
  • Inappropriate use of htmlentities()
  • The table tooltip still shows during the media files migration
  • Import/Export issues between MySQL 5.1 and 5.5+
  • Notice error on Updates dashboard page
  • Signature verification error when local and remote plugins are different versions
  • Find & replace handle icon is rendering poorly
  • PHP Notice: Undefined variable: safe_mode
  • Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in verify_download()
  • Cannot save expired license on the Settings tab
  • Mixed case table names
  • One install taking up two activations
  • License error message should use the common error styling
  • License key entry not sanitized
  • MySQL error when sitemeta or options tables excluded from migration
  • WP Migrate DB Pro and addons not showing in WP-CLI plugin updates list
  • MySQL error FUNCTION xxxxxxx.ROUND does not exist

Media Files 1.2

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Option to wipe destination uploads folder and copy entire origin uploads folder
  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.4.4
  • Medial Library details added to Debugging Info for easier debugging
  • Logging all errors now, each with distinct error codes
  • JavaScript errors now displayed in the UI
Bug Fixes
  • Table doesn't exist errors when migrating selected sites from multisite

CLI 1.0.2

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.4.4
Bug Fixes
  • Undefined index: select_backup

WP Migrate 1.4.3

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Cannot use push or pull after license expires

WP Migrate 1.4.2

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • JS has been minified
  • URL find & replace field is now required on multisite installations
  • Additional debugging information when unserialize() fails
  • Only load WP Migrate DB Pro when necessary
  • Settings are now stored network wide in multisite
  • Multisite subdomain find & replace code was optimized by only executing certain replace code once per request
Bug Fixes
  • One install using two site activations when WordPress core installed in a subdirectory
  • Hard coded strings not translatable
  • Multisite subdomain export migrations were not correctly applying the default URL search & replace pair

Media Files 1.1.5


  • Compatibility with new loading method implemented in WP Migrate DB Pro 1.4.2

CLI 1.0.1


  • Compatibility with the new loading method implemented in WP Migrate DB Pro 1.4.2

WP Migrate 1.4.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • No such file or directory warnings occurring if either the Media Files or CLI addons were not installed

WP Migrate DB Pro 1.4 & CLI Addon Released

We’re very excited to announce the final release of WP Migrate DB Pro 1.4 and the new CLI addon. The beta test over the past 4 weeks only revealed one minor…

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WP Migrate 1.4

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Internationalization fully supported — Bring on the translations! :)
  • Migration controls, pause/resume and cancel
  • Option to select plugins to not load for migration requests — improves performance and reliability (details)
  • CLI addon (included with Developer license or better) enabling execution of migrations via WP-CLI or using a function call
  • Option to include/exclude transients for a migration
  • Find & replace UI
  • Reworked Post Type controls to be less confusing
  • Added warning messages when find and replace has not be filled in correctly
  • Clearer license validation error messages
Bug Fixes
  • Errors not shown in the UI when an AJAX request error occurs
  • Some errors were not being recorded in the error log
  • Plugin can be activated on subsites in a multisite install
  • Some URLs not replaced in subdomain multisite install
  • Ability to push when push was disabled
  • Sitewide notices overlapping the plugin's title
  • False positive "Invalid Content Verification" errors
  • Added error supression to the set_time_limit() function call

CLI 1.0

New Features

  • Initial release

Media Files 1.1.4

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with the pause/resume and cancel migration controls
  • Compatibility with the CLI addon
Bug Fixes
  • Was not respecting the "Enable SSL verification" option

WP Migrate 1.3.6

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • License activation via Settings tab completely broken

WP Migrate 1.3.5

New Features

  • Missing capability and nonce checks for some AJAX requests

Media Files 1.1.3

New Features

  • Missing capability and nonce checks for some AJAX requests

WP Migrate 1.3.4

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • White screen and errors when Media Files addon 1.1.1 or below is active
  • Cannot upgrade Media Files addon after upgrading to 1.3.3

WP Migrate 1.3.3

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Removed PressTrends tracking
Bug Fixes
  • get_plugins() called on every dashboard page request (major performance issue)
  • No update notification (or error message) on servers where SSL isn't setup properly
  • Replaced deprecated mysql_get_server_info() function
  • Addon download links only appearing when the addon isn't installed
  • Backups should contain all post types, but only contain post types selected for migration

Media Files 1.1.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • get_plugins() called on every dashboard page request (major performance issue)
  • Able to activate for subsites in a multisite installation

Media Files 1.1.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Undefined variable $upload_dir when "Remove local media files" checked

Media Files addon 1.1 released: Now supporting push

We’ve just released version 1.1 of the Media Files addon for WP Migrate DB Pro. The most notable change is the addition of push support. Now when running a push…

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Media Files 1.1

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Push media files! You now have the option of pushing your media files from one location to another
  • Better error handling, more information when an error occurs
  • Create the required media directories if they don't already exist
Bug Fixes
  • Undefined index error occurs when a remote media file is missing
  • Resized images were not being included in the migration
  • Media Files not downloading when wpmdb_temporary_prefix filter used

WP Migrate 1.3.2

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Update notices now show up in the WP Migrate DB Pro UI as well as the WordPress Plugins page
  • Better error handling when an AJAX request error occurs
Bug Fixes
  • Inconsistently styled warning messages
  • Videos on the help tab give insecure content warnings over SSL
  • Custom temporary table prefixes were breaking the migration
  • Consecutive exports were not producing an export file
  • MySQL duplicate key error on tables that included primary keys of 0
  • Find & replace fields switched incorrectly for saved profiles
  • Display issue caused by unchecking the "Save as file to your computer" option
  • Internet Explorer not correctly detected

WPMDB Pro 1.3.1 and Media Files 1.0.1 Released

WP Migrate DB Pro 1.3.1 and Media Files addon 1.0.1 have been released and are now available for download. We don’t usually do a blog post for minor releases like…

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WP Migrate 1.3.1

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Backup options to select which tables to backup
  • Consistent styling for errors and warnings
  • Make it more obvious when a migration has completed
  • Add Media Files screencast to Help tab
  • "Check Again" on the WordPress Updates page will force the plugin to check for a new version
  • Better multisite find and replace
  • Remove protocol from default find and replace fields
  • Better handling of poorly configured SSL servers
Bug Fixes
  • Better debugging info for API requests to deliciousbrains.com
  • Backups not working with multisite migrations
  • Find & replace fields become reversed
  • Basic authentication not working when there's an '@' character in the username or password
  • Detecting wrong installed version of the plugin
  • SSL disabled message appearing when connecting without HTTPS
  • Replace GUIDs will not stay unchecked when saving profile
  • Dead end after error in the UI
  • Backup option only backs up tables to be replaced
  • Undefined 'path' index error
  • Primary key of zero not kept in migration

Media Files 1.0.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Error if the uploads directory doesn't exist yet
  • MP3 files not migrating
  • Basic authentication not working
  • Not working with "Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders" unchecked
  • Additional letter appended to the start of each filename
  • Login prompt after database migration and before files migration starts

WP Migrate DB Pro 1.3 & Media Files Addon Released

It’s been a little while since our last major release but we’re very excited to announce the release of WP Migrate DB Pro 1.3. This update brings a slew of…

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WP Migrate 1.3

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Addons - reworked lots of code to support addons
  • Styles for WordPress 3.8
  • Media Files addon now available
  • Post type filter option
  • Automatic updates for beta versions
  • License key is now masked
  • Automatically flush rewrite rules on migration completion
  • Exclude transients from all migrations
  • Show error message when uploads folder is not writable
  • Cleaned up code to have briefer, clearer functions
  • wpmdb_tables and wpmdb_table_sizes filters for tables shown in select box
Bug Fixes
  • You have an error in your SQL syntax...near '1' at line 1
  • Unselected tables being migrated
  • Database encoding issue with Export feature
  • Uppercase table prefixes fail
  • Errors trying to clone some PHP classes
  • Suhosin values assumed to be numeric

Media Files 1.0

New Features

  • Initial release.

WP Migrate DB Pro 1.2 Released

Late yesterday we pushed out version 1.2 of WP Migrate DB Pro. We’ve been working on this release for the past two months, incorporating feedback received through customer support. Single…

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WP Migrate 1.2

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • New Feature: Check out the screencast video showing some of these new features
  • New Feature: Detect Basic Authentication and prompt for username and password
  • New Feature: Slider control on Settings tab to throttles Maximum Request Size
  • New Feature: Table sizes now shown in the table list
  • New Feature: Checkbox under Advanced - Do not migrate the 'active_plugins' setting (i.e. which plugins are activated/deactivated)
  • New Feature: Define license key in wp-config.php
  • New Feature: Also released functionality plugin for examples of extending WP Migrate DB Pro with actions and filters
  • Now using HTTP file upload to transfer data and avoid triggering mod security
  • Data is now gzipped for push/pull transfer if supported
  • Progress of a single table's migration is now shown
  • Detect and decode JSON encoded data and run recursive find & replace
  • Replaced use of mysqli PHP extension with WordPress' wpdb class
  • Table list now shows all tables in the database
  • Added wpmdb_preserved_options filter for the ability to preserve any key in the wp_options table
  • Detect Suhosin PHP extension and respect its limits
  • Added wpmdb_migration_complete action to run code after a migration is complete
  • MySQL foreign key constraint support
  • Updated migration table prefix to 'mig' to decrease instances where table name exceeds max length
  • Backups are now stored in wp-content/uploads/wp-migrate-db/ with an index.php file instead of wp-content/uploads/
  • Backups and temporary files now have salts appended to their file name
Bug Fixes
  • Error doing find and replace on some serialized objects (e.g. All-in-One Event Calendar)
  • Busy sites with MyISAM tables getting duplicate key error during migration
  • Byte order mark (BOM) characters causing problems
  • Missing Referer header triggering mod security
  • Multisite - GUIDs not being replaced in subsite tables
  • Replace use of deprecated wp_convert_bytes_to_hr function
  • Spam commentmeta included when exclude checked
  • Unexpected JS errors showing in alert dialog
  • Strict Standards errors with PHP 5.4 and WP 3.6
  • Incorrect default file path in certain situations

WP Migrate 1.1.3

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Show notice if required MySQLi PHP extension is not installed
  • Added 'wpmdb_rows_where' filter
Bug Fixes
  • Plugin not working with PHP 5.2
  • No error reporting if the migration finalization stage fails
  • Find & replace is case-sensitive but shouldn't be

WP Migrate 1.1.2

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Show a warning and automatically switch to non-SSL when SSL connection fails
  • Reorganized Help tab a bit
  • Added warning for those with PHP in safe mode
  • Show error message when the plugin versions are not the same
  • Added 'wpmdb_bottleneck', 'wpmdb_default_remote_post_timeout', 'wpmdb_max_allowed_packet_default' filters
Bug Fixes
  • Settings link in yellow notice on Plugins page is wrong in multisite
  • Network activated multisite plugins not showing in debug info
  • Not providing helpful error messages when there is a malformed JSON response
  • MySQL error messages cut off
  • MySQL syntax error 'TYPE=InnoDB' when migrating from MySQL 5.0.x to 5.1+

WP Migrate 1.1.1

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Not checking if push/pull enabled in Settings tab when handling push/pull requests
  • Added 'wpmdb_prepare_remote_connection_timeout' filter for developers to change the connection timeout
Bug Fixes
  • 500/404 errors in certain server configurations (e.g. mod_security enabled)
  • Warning: Missing argument 1 for Object_Name::__construct()
  • PHP Notice: Undefined index: sig
  • Connection taking longer than 5 seconds and timing out (increased to 10 seconds)

WP Migrate DB Pro 1.1 Released – Now up to 50% faster

On Friday last week, we released version 1.1 of WP Migrate DB Pro. It started out as a small 1.0.2 release with a few bug fixes, but as we dug…

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WP Migrate 1.1

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Pulls are now up to 50% faster
    Removed serializing the response data which uses less CPU and memory on the remote server. And we now stream the data back rather than accumulate it on the remote side before sending.

  • Pushes are now up to 30% faster
    Replaced URL encoded POST requests with multipart POST requests for improved CPU and memory performance and much lighter overhead.

  • Message to remind the user they can't connect to a local install from a remote install
  • Message to warn the user that the table prefixes differ between installs and instructions to remedy that issue
  • Automatically detect when OpenSSL is disabled and remove 's' from 'https'
  • MySQL connection error handling
  • More diagnostic information
  • Find and replace now operates on serialized objects as well as arrays
Bug Fixes
  • Pull timing out at 60 secondes when there's a Varnish frontend
  • WP Migrate DB Pro's settings overwritten on push/pull
  • Error DB_CHARSET undefined
  • Not retrieving max_allowed_packet in MySQL version 5.0.x
  • Admin menu disappears when DISALLOW_FILE_MODS is true
  • Database table names with dashes not importing
  • Duplicate records on export when 'Exclude spam comments' or 'Exclude post revisions' are checked

WP Migrate 1.0.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Write error log to database instead of file system
  • Add another find & replace pre-fill for multisite
  • Added "Try HTTP" link to connection failed error message
  • Added OpenSSL to debug information in Help tab
  • Turn off SSL verification by default
  • Added setting to enable SSL verification
Bug Fixes
  • Settings not being saved in multisite
  • AJAX spinners are appearing in a fresh install on the help page
  • Incorrect "Settings" link in the plugin row for multisite
  • Array index errors after upgrading
  • Migrate DB Pro menu item showing in subsite menus for multisite
  • JSON encoding issue with jQuery included in WP 3.6 Beta

WP Migrate 1.0.0

New Features

  • Initial Release

WP Migrate

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