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WP Offload SES 1.7 Released: Enqueue Only Mode and Improvements for High-Volume Senders

WP Offload SES 1.7 adds a new “Enqueue Only” mode that can be used to prevent sending accidental emails in development and staging environments or to temporarily pause all emails…

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WP Offload SES 1.7.0

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Logs of successfully sent emails can now be instantly removed
  • Logs of failed emails that have been successfully re-sent can now be instantly removed
  • Logs can now be bulk deleted via new "Purge Logs" functionality
  • Emails can now be enqueued in the local database without being sent to Amazon SES via the new "Enqueue Only" mode
  • "Enqueue Only" mode can now be programmatically configured via the enqueue-only key in WPOSES_SETTINGS
  • PHP 7.4 or later is now required
  • AWS PHP SDK has been updated to v3.308.6
Bug Fixes
  • Accessing the settings page is now much faster when there are millions of logged emails
  • URLs with encoded parameters generated by third parties are now compatible with click tracking
  • "Cron not running" emails are no longer sent for every subsite during a multisite network upgrade
  • The admin notice regarding failed emails now links to the correct network settings page when multisite is enabled and subsite settings are disabled

WP Offload SES 1.6.8

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Using the WPOSES_SETTINGS define no longer causes a fatal error

WP Offload SES 1.6.7

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Security: Unserializing an object related to plugin settings now passes 'allowed_classes' => false to avoid instantiating the complete object and potentially running malicious code
  • Security: Processing of the email queue now restricts the type of data allowed to ensure stored queue items meet requirements

WP Offload SES 1.6.6

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • WordPress 6.3 compatible
  • PHP 8.2 compatible
  • AWS PHP SDK has been updated to v3.279.0
  • Links to plugin documentation, support, feedback, and changelog are now available in the footer of WP Admin
  • Returning an empty array from the 'wp_mail' filter will stop the email from being queued and sent
  • Delete from logs after 1 day and 3 days options added
Bug Fixes
  • "Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(~/.aws/config) is not within the allowed path(s)" is no longer logged to debug.log
  • Settings sub-menu in a multisite subsite no longer wraps incorrectly
  • Settings tooltips are now displayed in their correct position

WP Offload SES 1.6.5

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Apostrophes in email addresses no longer prevent sending
  • More than 25 Verified Senders can now be managed

WP Offload SES 1.6.4

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • WP Offload SES now works with PHP 8.2
  • Security: Updated AWS SDK to address a vulnerability in guzzlehttp/psr7 as reported in CVE-2023-29197

WP Offload SES 1.6.3

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • WP Offload SES is once again compatible with sites using PHP 7 and WordPress 5.3–5.8
  • Inability to connect to the licensing API no longer causes fatal errors in WP Admin

WP Offload SES 1.6.2


  • Instructions for creating IAM user are now up to date with current AWS process

WP Offload SES 1.6.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Emails sent from a verified domain no longer result in an unverified email address notice

WP Offload SES 1.6 Released: 40 MB Attachments Enabled

WP Offload SES 1.6 uses the latest Amazon SES API v2 in order to increase the maximum size limit of messages from 10 MB to 40 MB. 📩 Larger Attachments…

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WP Offload SES 1.6.0

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Maximum message size has been increased from 10 MB to 40 MB
  • Amazon SES API has been updated from v1 to v2
  • PHP 7.2 or later required
  • WordPress 5.3 or later required
  • WordPress 6.1 compatible
  • WP_Queue has been updated to v2.0
  • AWS PHP SDK has been updated to v3.258.3
Bug Fixes
  • Spelling corrected
  • Invalid Content-Type headers no longer stop emails from being sent

WP Offload SES 1.5.6

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Added Milan and Cape Town as available regions
  • Added "wposes_ses_regions" filter for adding regions manually
Bug Fixes
  • PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in .../vendor/deliciousbrains/updates.php on line 158

WP Offload SES 1.5.5

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Some fields of the Activity tab are not properly escaped which is an XSS risk
  • Emails occasionally failing due to "WorkerAttemptsExceededException"
  • Passing CC/BCC in CSV format not working correctly
  • Upgrade routines can be run more than once during an upgrade

WP Offload SES 1.5.4

New Features

  • New: WordPress 5.6 and PHP 8 compatible
  • New: Added North California, Paris, Stockholm, and Bahrain as available regions

WP Offload SES 1.5.3

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Added Ohio, Seoul, Singapore, and Tokyo as available regions
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.5
Bug Fixes
  • Queue not running when PHP memory limit is over 1G
  • Fatal error when deleting a job that no longer exists

WP Offload SES 1.5.2

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Health Report no longer includes the Health Report in email summaries
Bug Fixes
  • Reports tab slow to load for sites with high email volume
  • Email queue getting stuck if there is a fatal error while processing an email
  • Missing mbstring module causes fatal error

WP Offload SES 1.5.1

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Added London, central Canada, and São Paulo as available regions
  • Added 7 day log duration
  • Added wposes_send_cron_error_email filter for disabling cron error emails
  • Reduce interval between cron health checks to reduce false-positives
Bug Fixes
  • Cron health check not working properly on multisite installs
  • Cron health check email being sent twice in some situations
  • Cron health check still runs when sending via SES is disabled

WP Offload SES 1.5

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Store a copy of attachments to prevent conflicts with other plugins
  • Health report no longer center aligned
Bug Fixes
  • Health report not being sent in some situations
  • Invalid headers causing email to fail
  • Index on email log table too large for some MySQL servers
  • Filter for infinite log duration no longer working
  • Open tracking image missing alt attribute
  • Activity tab UI controls not aligned since WordPress 5.3
  • "From name" wrapped in quotes in some situations

WP Offload SES 1.4 Released: Email Health Report

Today we’re excited to announce the release of WP Offload SES 1.4 🎉 In this release we’ve added an email sending health report that you can configure to receive in…

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WP Offload SES 1.4

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Daily/weekly/monthly health report in your inbox gives you confidence your emails are sending
  • Added Frankfurt, Mumbai, and Sydney as available regions
Bug Fixes
  • Click tracking improperly encodes anchor links
  • Emails that fail before being added to queue holding up the rest of the queue

WP Offload SES 1.3.2

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Detect if there are problems with WP Cron
  • Immediately try to send email when it is added to the queue
  • If subsite settings are disabled, process all emails in queue via any subsite cron
  • Ask for confirmation before deleting email in Activity tab
Bug Fixes
  • Query for Reports tab is not performant
  • Broken link to plugin settings page if subsite settings are disabled
  • Undefined index SERVER_NAME in some environments

WP Offload SES 1.3.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Plugin no longer working as an mu-plugin
  • Activity tab doesn't properly handle multiple recipients
  • "Tags" step missing from Setup wizard
  • Missing SimpleXMLElement module causes fatal error
  • Error when adding email headers in some situations
  • Resending a sent or failed email does not create a new record in the Activity tab

WP Offload SES 1.3 Released: Search, View, and Resend Sent Emails

Today, we’re introducing a bunch of features for WP Offload SES. It’s no secret that WP Offload SES has been light on features since its launch. That’s the main reason…

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WP Offload SES 1.3

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • View all emails in the new Activity tab
  • Resend any sent, failed, or cancelled emails
  • Cancel emails that are queued for sending
  • View a specific email
  • Search for a specific email
  • View open/click tracking information for a specific email
Bug Fixes
  • PHP notice logged in some multisite installs

New in WP Offload SES: Subsite Settings for WordPress Multisite

If you work on even one multisite install of WordPress, you’re going to be happy to hear about our latest release for WP Offload SES. Introducing subsite-specific settings for WP…

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WP Offload SES 1.2

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Multisite network level setting to enable subsite settings
  • Multisite subsite level setting to override network settings
  • Increase default log retention to 90 days
Bug Fixes
  • Reports search field can't be submitted by hitting "Enter"

WP Offload SES 1.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with upgrades from WP SES and WP Offload SES Lite
Bug Fixes
  • Every plugin activation results in "Mail function already overridden" logged to error log
  • Password reset emails are not getting tracked
  • Verified senders table sometimes formatted incorrectly

WP Offload SES 1.0.3

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Some invalid emails can prevent all mail from being sent
  • Cannot send emails before the WordPress init action hook
  • Setting an IAM policy to deny getIdentityVerificationAttributes breaks the UI
  • Some emails are not deleted during log cleanup

WP Offload SES 1.0.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Conflict with Offload Media

WP Offload SES 1.0.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Some UTF-8 characters not displaying correctly
  • Setup wizard not recognizing existing verified identities
  • Conflict with AffiliateWP
  • Database warning during upgrade routine

WP Offload SES: Announcing A New WordPress Plugin For Amazon SES

If you’ve been following along on the blog, you might have been aware of the new plugin we’ve been working on. The long-awaited release day is finally upon us. Whether…

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WP Offload SES 1.0

New Features

  • Initial Release
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