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WP Offload Media 3.2.8

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Accessing media libraries with millions of offloaded items is now much faster
  • Delivery status indicator is now more accurate when Amazon S3 Object Ownership is configured in combination with a delivery provider other than Amazon CloudFront
  • Corrupt _wp_attachment_metadata no longer causes a fatal error when offloading media
  • The WooCommerce integration once again includes the minified woocommerce.min.js script
  • The WooCommerce integration has been confirmed to be compatible with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
  • The Elementor integration no longer throws errors when encountering unexpected data

WP Offload Media 3.2.7

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3 regions Canada West (Calgary), Asia Pacific (Melbourne) and Israel (Tel Aviv) are now selectable
  • DigitalOcean region Bangalore (BLR1) is now selectable
  • Google Cloud Storage regions Europe (Berlin), Europe (Turin), Middle East (Doha) and Middle East (Dammam, Saudi Arabia) are now selectable
  • The as3cf_object_meta filter now also runs during storage settings validation
Bug Fixes
  • WP-CLI now recognizes WP Offload Media updates
  • Smart Plugin Manager now updates WP Offload Media on WordPress Multisite
  • WooCommerce integration no longer breaks when failing to resolve downloadable product path
  • Legacy amazon_s3 shortcodes used for WooCommerce product files with apostrophes no longer cause a database error
  • Private media URLs now work as expected in audio and video shortcodes
  • Performance improved for ACF image fields when filesize metadata is missing for offloaded and removed files
  • URLs for offloaded media in ACF URL and link fields are now properly rewritten
  • Media library files with apostrophes in their filenames no longer cause database errors
  • URL rewriting no longer breaks slashed serialized data with NULL values
  • URL rewriting on a dev site now works without a bucket being set

WP Offload Media 3.2.6

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • WordPress 6.4 compatible
  • AWS PHP SDK has been updated to v3.295.8
  • Delivery settings check request headers updated to avoid provider's erroneous hot-link protection
Bug Fixes
  • Invalid params given to edd_requested_file filter no longer cause errors
  • Corrupted amazonS3_cache records no longer cause a fatal error
  • Safety improved when handling serialized content

WP Offload Media 3.2.5

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • WordPress 6.3 compatible
  • PHP 8.2 compatible
  • AWS PHP SDK has been updated to v3.279.0
  • Google Cloud Storage SDK has been updated to v1.33.0 (requires PHP 7.4+)
  • Links to plugin documentation, support, feedback, and changelog are now available in the footer of WP Admin
Bug Fixes
  • Delivery settings check no longer logs false message about not being able to remove test object from bucket
  • Delivery settings check no longer logs a "Could not get Block All Public Access status" message when using DigitalOcean Spaces

WP Offload Media 3.2.4

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Newly added rotated images no longer fail to automatically offload

WP Offload Media 3.2.3

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Broken legacy amazonS3_info metadata no longer causes upgrade routines to fail

WP Offload Media 3.2.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Security: Updated AWS SDK and Google Cloud SDK to address a vulnerability in guzzlehttp/psr7 as reported in CVE-2023-29197

WP Offload Media 3.2.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Saving settings no longer prevented when access credentials are missing but bucket is set
  • Changing delivery provider no longer prevented when delivery settings are incomplete

WP Offload Media 3.2 Released: New Status Indicators and Peace of Mind

WP Offload Media 3.2 raises the bar for monitoring and managing offloaded media from within WP Admin. Whether you’re trying to pinpoint exactly which media items still need to be…

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WP Offload Media 3.2.0

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • The running background tool can be controlled from the navigation bar
  • Offload status can be seen in the navigation bar
  • Diagnostic Info now includes media counts by item type
  • Validation status for storage and delivery providers displayed on Media tab
  • Validation status for asset settings displayed on Assets tab
  • Asset URL rewriting is temporarily disabled while the domain fails validation
  • Tools now show their total items to process more quickly, and update progress more often
  • WordPress 6.2 compatible
  • Amazon S3 buckets are now created in a way compatible with AWS API changes due in April 2023
  • Tool specific cron schedules have been replaced by a single as3cf_tool_cron_interval entry
  • The tool healthcheck cron now fires every minute by default instead of every 5 minutes
Bug Fixes
  • Confirming set up of an Origin Access Identity for Object Ownership Enforcement in Bucket Security now works as expected
  • Using an invalid storage provider identifier in defined settings no longer causes a fatal error
  • Cropping offloaded images in the standard image block no longer fails
  • Using Server Roles no longer needs a define in wp-config.php
  • SVGs now automatically offload when added to the Media Library
  • Legacy defines no longer show as keys used in the AS3CF_SETTINGS define
  • Cancelling a paused tool no longer occasionally leaves all tools disabled
  • The offloader tool no longer hides its errors when all media offloaded but some thumbnail sizes failed to offload
  • Elementor background tool no longer crashes when Elementor post meta contains unexpected data

WP Offload Media 3.1 Released: Efficient Offloading and Performance Gains

WP Offload Media 3.1 improves performance for large sites and multisites while also setting the stage for new ways to monitor and manage offloaded media in the upcoming release of…

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WP Offload Media 3.1.0

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • PHP 8.1 compatibility is now improved
  • Amazon S3 regions Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), EU (Spain), EU (Zurich) and Middle East (UAE) are now selectable
  • Google Cloud Storage regions Middle East (Tel Aviv) and Dual-Region (Asia) are now selectable
  • DigitalOcean region Sydney (SYD1) is now selectable
  • AWS PHP SDK has been updated to v3.238.6
  • Google Cloud Storage SDK has been updated to v1.28.1
  • Storage Provider regions are now listed alphabetically
  • Google Cloud Storage regions are now grouped by geographic area
Bug Fixes
  • Pathless external URLs entered in a post no longer cause an error when saved
  • Media upload time no longer degrades as the Media Library grows
  • Diagnostic page no longer breaks when duplicate support emails are defined in unfortunate order
  • Periodic updates of media offload statistics no longer time out in large multisite installs
  • Background tools no longer throw errors on completion in large multisite installs
  • Inactive background tools no longer create redundant cron schedule entries
  • The clear post meta cache upgrade routine now works properly on multisite subsites
  • Completed upgrade routines no longer create redundant cron schedule entries
  • Upgrade routines no longer try to run on non-primary subsites
  • Custom table format upgrades no longer run unnecessarily
  • Settings REST API endpoints are no longer enabled if unusable
  • Only offloaded items with valid attachment IDs are retrieved from external cache
  • Legacy bucket names that include uppercase letters or underscores can now be selected
  • Offloading already-edited files no longer causes issues with filename uniqueness checks

WP Offload Media 3.0.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • ACF integration no longer breaks sites using closures in ACF field config (edge case)
  • Assets Pull no longer handles enqueue hooks if not rewriting asset URLs
  • Invalid asset URLs no longer cause an error when filtered by Assets Pull
  • The Offload metabox for attachments no longer has issues for some browser and screen resolution combinations

WP Offload Media 3.0.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • License & support info is now properly populated after upgrade from 2.x

WP Offload Media 3.0 Released: New User Interface, Media Library Enhancements, and More

Today we’re excited to announce the release of WP Offload Media 3.0. The introduction of a brand new user interface, powerful filters and columns in the Media Library, and revamped…

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WP Offload Media 3.0.0

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Fresh new settings page UI! 🎉
  • The Media Library can be filtered by whether items are offloaded, or which bucket they’re in
  • The Media Library can be filtered to offloaded items that are public or private in the bucket
  • The Media Library now has Bucket and Access columns to show offload information
  • Assets Pull addon functionality now integrated into the plugin for Gold+ license holders
  • Advanced Custom Fields Pro now supported
  • Authenticated WP-REST-API endpoints added for managing settings
  • Amazon S3 Object Ownership controls are now supported
  • Added Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Amazon S3 region
  • Added Columbus, Dallas, Toronto, Santiago, Warsaw, Milan, Paris, Madrid, Delhi, Jakarta and Melbourne Google Cloud Storage regions
  • AWS PHP SDK updated to v3.222.1
  • Google Cloud Storage SDK updated to v1.26.3
  • PHP 7.2 or later required
  • WordPress 6.1 compatible
  • Prompt added to offload local media items when turning on automatic offloading
  • Prompt added to download all offloaded media when turning off the remove files from local setting
  • Error notices for tools more consistently include Source Type and Source ID
  • Error notices for tools that include Mime Type information are easier to read
  • CloudFront Private Media handling UI now use the recommended Trusted Key Groups terminology (CloudFront Key Pairs are still usable)
  • Settings changes by another user or in wp-config.php are detected and reflected in UI
  • A page refresh is requested if settings changes by another user conflict with unsaved changes
  • Important error notices on the settings page are less easy to miss when displayed
  • The Custom Domain (CNAME) can no longer be left empty if enabled
  • The format of the entered Custom Domain (CNAME) for a CDN is now validated before being able to save settings
  • It is no longer possible to mistake the example URL preview for an offloaded media item
  • The relationship between settings and the example URL preview is now easier to understand
  • Some common AWS S3 errors are caught and shown with easier to understand messages
  • Media settings can now be used even if previously defined Storage Provider credentials have been removed but bucket still set (useful for development or test installs cloned from large production sites)
Bug Fixes
  • Remove from Bucket tool no longer forgets about offloads to other providers when failing to remove their objects
  • Renaming the plugin slug to match the Lite plugin’s slug no longer risks retrieving updates from wp.org
  • An empty bulk actions button is no longer shown in the Media Library grid mode when Storage Provider credentials are not set
  • Legacy addons no longer cause fatal errors when activated
  • Using any Media Library bulk action no longer resets the filters
  • Available plugin updates are no longer hidden when license expired or limit exceeded
  • Plugin updates now properly display their compatibility with the installed version of WordPress
  • The availability of new plugin updates is no longer checked every time the Plugins page is loaded
  • Updating the plugin with “Update Now” in the Plugins page no longer fails when WP Offload SES is installed and active
  • Saving posts with serialized data in post_content that include offloaded URLs now have correct string length values
  • EC2 hosted sites using IAM Roles no longer get an error when retrieving credentials from the instance profile metadata service in some instances
  • URLs are no longer rewritten for media offloaded to a different storage provider than currently configured
  • Creating a bucket on DigitalOcean Spaces no longer fails with 403 Forbidden error
  • Rewrite Media URLs can now be turned off for installs updated from pre WP Offload S3 1.0
  • Legacy AWS access key defines no longer cause issues with upgrade routines
  • Getting Block All Public Access status no longer fails for recently created buckets
  • Images with non-numeric width or height values no longer cause fatal errors

WP Offload Media 2.6.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Upgrade routine no longer risks breaking items when external object cache is in use
  • Error notices from the download tool are no longer cluttered with raw error messages from provider
  • Bulk handling tools now show a maximum of 100 error messages in the UI

WP Offload Media 2.6.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Local files are no longer removed if as3cf_pre_upload_attachment filter is used to abort upload
  • Remove from Bucket no longer proceeds if missing local file cannot be retrieved from bucket
  • BuddyBoss: Integration is no longer enabled if BuddyPress is active
  • BuddyBoss: Images are no longer repeated in posts when integration is active
  • BuddyBoss: Offloaded custom default avatar and cover images are now displayed on the frontend
  • BuddyBoss: Enabling custom default avatar or cover images no longer stops download or remove tools from completing
  • BuddyBoss: Custom default avatar and cover images are now included when bulk offloading existing media
  • BuddyBoss: Removing a custom default avatar or cover image now also removes it from the bucket
  • BuddyBoss: Removing a custom default cover image no longer results in an error
  • BuddyBoss: Adding a new avatar that is offloaded and removed from server now displays properly without a page refresh

WP Offload Media 2.6: BuddyBoss Integration, Offloading Files Outside of the Media Library, WP 5.9 Compatibility

Today we’re pleased to announce the official release of WP Offload Media 2.6, which includes a brand new BuddyBoss integration and improves how media is offloaded, including files outside of…

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WP Offload Media 2.6.0

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • BuddyBoss Platform: Avatars and cover images for users and groups are now offloaded
  • WP Offload Media is now compatible with WordPress 5.9 and Full Site Editing
  • Offloaded thumbnail sizes are now tracked for better handling of changes to registered sizes
  • Offloads and other storage provider actions are faster
Bug Fixes
  • URL rewriting now works in the Full Site Editor
  • Offloaded images are now shown when re-editing a Block Template or Template Part
  • URL rewriting now works for Widgets migrated to a Widget Sidebar Block
  • Objects are no longer left in the bucket when deleting a Media Library item with many changes to its thumbnail sizes
  • Enable Media Replace: Thumbnails are now generated while using Remove Files From Server
  • Enable Media Replace: Original files are no longer left on the server while using Remove Files From Server
  • MetaSlider Pro: URL rewriting now works for Layer Slides
  • WooCommerce: Private offloading of WooCommerce downloads once again works following changes introduced by WordPress 5.9

WP Offload Media 2.5.6

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • License checks result in unnecessary requests to our API when transients aren’t correctly configured
  • Some third party Elementor widgets cause server side errors

WP Offload Media 2.5.5

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • WordPress 5.8 compatible
Bug Fixes
  • URLs not rewritten when using Elementor's inline CSS option
  • URL rewriting stops Elementor's custom fonts from being used
  • Signed GCS URLs broken when updating a post
  • Incorrect mime type set on scaled image's bucket object when thumbnail format differs from original file's format

WP Offload Media 2.5.4

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • In rare cases Elementor Analyze & Repair tool might corrupt page structure
  • Notice to run Elementor Analyze & Repair tool shown if Elementor not active but previously was

Introducing the Elementor Integration for WP Offload Media

In the first of hopefully many plugin releases this year, the WP Offload Media team has been working hard on some big integrations and improvements. Today we’re pleased to announce…

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WP Offload Media 2.5.3

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Full integration with Elementor and Elementor Pro
  • Added DigitalOcean region San Francisco 3
  • WordPress 5.7 compatible
Bug Fixes
  • Domain mapping not handled correctly when the local URL includes a port number
  • In some unusual configurations the upgrade routine uses incorrect name for multisite blogs table

WP Offload Media 2.5.2

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • AWS PHP SDK 3.168.0
  • Google Cloud Storage SDK 1.23.0
  • Faster saving of posts with many external links
  • Faster URL rewriting when Force HTTPS setting being used but is not needed
Bug Fixes
  • PHP Fatal error on the settings page when using PHP 8.0
  • PHP Warning: The magic method Integration_Manager::__wakeup() must have public visibility in .../classes/pro/integration-manager.php on line 56

WP Offload Media 2.5.1

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • WordPress 5.6 compatible
  • PHP 8.0 compatible
Bug Fixes
  • PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in .../vendor/deliciousbrains/updates.php on line 156
  • Unexpectedly asked to select bucket after saving settings when legacy access key named constants defined
  • srcset missing for some images
  • Error saving item during Metadata upgrade in some cases

WP Offload Media 2.5 Released: Improved WooCommerce Integration and New Tool for Already Offloaded Files

It’s been a busy few months since our last release. In that time we’ve been hiring, settling into a regular release cycle format, planning out the future roadmap for the…

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WP Offload Media 2.5

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • WooCommerce Integration: Existing downloadable product files automatically served from cloud storage after offload
  • WooCommerce Integration: Downloadable product file URLs now show cloud storage URL when editing a product
  • WooCommerce Integration: WooCommerce S3 Storage shortcodes rewritten to standard URLs if Media Library item available
  • WooCommerce Integration: Verify and update downloadable products tool converts shortcodes to standard URLs where possible
  • WooCommerce Integration: Verify and update downloadable products tool ensures offloaded media used in products is private in cloud storage
  • WooCommerce Integration: [amazon_s3 id=123] format shortcode deprecated
  • Add Metadata tool enables adoption of existing Media Library items already offloaded to cloud storage by other means
Bug Fixes
  • Signed CloudFront URLs do not work when used in File Download block
  • wp_get_original_image_path function does not return provider URL when local files removed
  • File missing notices recorded in debug.log when regenerating thumbnails and Remove Files From Server turned on

WP Offload Media 2.4.4

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Updated AWS PHP SDK to v3.151.6
Bug Fixes
  • Files for duplicate thumbnail sizes not removed from server after initial offload
  • PHP Fatal error: Class 'DeliciousBrainsWP_Offload_MediaAws3SymfonyPolyfillIntlIdnIdn' not found
  • PHP Recoverable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in .../wp-includes/post.php on line 504
  • PHP message: PHP Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect
  • URLs not rewritten for RSS feed enclosures

WP Offload Media 2.4.3

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Updated AWS PHP SDK to v3.151.3
Bug Fixes
  • PHP Fatal error: Class 'DeliciousBrainsWP_Offload_MediaAws3SymfonyPolyfillIntlIdnIdn' not found

WP Offload Media 2.4.2

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Updated AWS PHP SDK to v3.150.1
Bug Fixes
  • Media Library statistics gathering causing database performance issues
  • License checks by multiple multisite network subsites causing performance issues
  • srcset not generated for featured image when using Divi Builder
  • Newly offloaded image URLs not rewritten in Divi Theme Builder modules
  • Image thumbnail URLs in custom HTML not rewritten to delivery provider URLs
  • Background processes do not start when PHP memory limit in gigabytes
  • PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '.../vendor/Aws3/Aws/Sts/StsClient.php'
  • AWS SDK "Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect" message from Regional Endpoint check
  • Bottom and right button borders in settings page are clipped when focused

Assets Pull Addon 1.1.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Setup guide out of step with recent changes in AWS Console
  • register_rest_route was called incorrectly

WP Offload Media 2.4.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Fatal Error with EWWW Image Optimizer 5.5 or earlier installed
  • AWS SDK "Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect" message when Use ARN Region in effect
  • "Data you have entered may not be saved" notice shown incorrectly when leaving settings page
  • Underscores not allowed in CloudFront Private Key File Path

WP Offload Media 2.4 Released: Private Media with a Custom Domain and Amazon CloudFront

This is a big release, six months in the making…well, really 5 years in the making! Check out the date on this GitHub issue 😱… We’re so excited to finally…

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WP Offload Media 2.4

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Prompt to move your media to new storage path when you update path settings
  • Setting to choose a Delivery Provider (i.e. S3, CloudFront, another CDN)
  • Configure CloudFront to serve protected media via signed URLs and a custom domain
  • Support for Block All Public Access setting on S3 buckets
  • Raw S3 URLs use bucket in domain rather than path where possible as per changes required by AWS
  • Raw S3 URLs use dot rather than dash between s3 and region name as per changes required by AWS
  • Added S3 regions for Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), EU (Milan), EU (Stockholm), and Middle East (Bahrain)
  • Added GCS regions for Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, Zürich, Osaka, Seoul, EUR4 (dual-region), and NAM4 (dual-region)
  • Six bulk action buttons collapsed into single dropdown in Media Library grid view
  • All settings locked to avoid problems when background tools are processing
  • Updated AWS PHP SDK to v3.133.40
  • Updated Google Cloud Storage SDK to v1.18.0
  • S3 regions for China no longer hidden (configuration via AWS Console still required)
Bug Fixes
  • Performance issues caused by frequent requests to the license API, especially on busy sites
  • Performance issues caused by counting media, especially on large multisite installs
  • Private images not showing in grid mode Media page overlay
  • Public image thumbnails not showing in grid mode Media page when original is private
  • URL rewriting sometimes fails for sites hosted on Windows
  • URL rewrite fails for image when original upload has size in file name
  • External URLs rewritten to local URLs when they shouldn't
  • StreamWrappers don't work with private buckets
  • Database error when inserting media library item and using HyperDB
  • S3 bucket link in settings no longer goes direct to bucket contents
  • New uploads slow with very large Media Library
  • Migration to custom table very slow with large postmeta tables
  • Signed GCS URLs have incorrect expires value
  • The use-server-roles AS3CF_SETTINGS value is not properly reflected in Diagnostic Info
  • Unknown column '2019/12/some-file-name.pdf' in 'where clause' when using managed MySQL on DigitalOcean
  • WordPress database error Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list when using MySQL8
  • WordPress forces HTTP in Edit Media page if site is not HTTPS, breaking remote URLs that require HTTPS

WP Offload Media 2.3.2

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Reduced database queries when external object cache available
  • Tested PHP 7.4
Bug Fixes
  • Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function DeliciousBrainsWP_Offload_MediaGcpGuzzleHttpchoose_handler()

  • SVG files not automatically offloaded

WP Offload Media 2.3.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type Media_Library_Item as array in wp-includes/media.php:217
  • Image not automatically offloaded if subsizes not expected

WP Offload Media 2.3 Released: WordPress 5.3 Support & More

Today we released WP Offload Media 2.3! 🎉 This release has some very important changes in order to support WordPress 5.3, introduces a custom table for the plugin’s data, as…

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WP Offload Media 2.3

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Upgrade routine to migrate offload data to custom table
  • Support for changed Media Library upload process introduced with WordPress 5.3
  • Support for new "-scaled" and "-rotated" images introduced with WordPress 5.3
  • Support for customizer changes introduced with WordPress 5.3
  • Offload new "original_image" file introduced with WordPress 5.3
  • Error notice displayed when background tool stuck and Site Health loopback requests test failing
  • Performance boost during both page display and save
  • Better detection of offloaded media URLs during page display
  • Divi Page Builder integration supports more than just Divi theme, e.g. Extra theme
Bug Fixes
  • New Media Library upload given same local file name as offloaded and removed file after Remove Files From Server turned off

  • PHP message: PHP Deprecated: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future

  • Deleting a Media Library item from one language removes bucket objects still used by other WPML duplicates

  • Using Remove from Bucket on a Media Library item from one language removes bucket objects still used by other WPML duplicates

  • Bulk offloader fails to offload original Media Library item in WPML duplicate set when Remove Files From Server turned on

  • Enable Media Replace integration does not remove old file name from bucket

  • Enable Media Replace integration does not generate new object version when file replaced without rename

  • Divi Page Builder's Gallery module does not display thumbnails for remote only images during edit

WP Offload Media 2.2.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Remove Files From Server option now warns about media backups when switched on
Bug Fixes
  • Undefined index in file amazon-s3-and-cloudfront-pro/classes/filters/as3cf-local-to-s3.php at line 286
  • API calls duplicated in settings page
  • API timeout too long

WP Offload Media 2.2 Released: Offload Existing Media Items in the Background & More

It is with immense pleasure that we’d like to announce the release of WP Offload Media 2.2! 🎉 This release brings the much-requested background offloading of existing Media Library items.…

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WP Offload Media 2.2

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Bulk offload, download, and remove from bucket tools now work in the background
  • Pie chart and background tool progress bars now show percentage and related counts when hovered over
  • Use IAM Roles without having to update wp-config.php
  • Frankfurt (FRA1) region now supported on DigitalOcean Spaces
  • Background tools start processing and progress faster, especially on large multisites with thousands of subsites

  • WP dashboard performance

Bug Fixes
  • Bulk offload stops at license media limit even though site doesn't count towards limit
  • Using remove from bucket tool doesn't update license limit when cancelled
  • Uploaded media files with uppercase extensions get second extension added

WP Offload Media 2.1.1

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Multisite domain mapping via WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin is now supported
  • Local to Provider content filtering performance improvements
  • Warning notice shown when changing storage provider and media already offloaded
Bug Fixes
  • Media title not retaining characters stripped from filename

  • Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(~/.aws/config) is not within the allowed path(s)

  • Fatal error when GCS Key File not accessible

  • Non-image offloads on subsites with 4 digit IDs get duplicate subsite ID in bucket path

  • No srcset added to img tag if filename includes non-ASCII characters

  • Full size image URL saved to img tag src attribute when thumbnail picked if filename includes non-ASCII characters

  • License information in Plugins page looks inconsistent and links not properly separated

  • License related notices in settings page duplicated

WP Offload Media 2.1 Released: Google Cloud Storage Now Supported

You asked for it, and we’ve delivered! Today we’re very happy to announce the release of WP Offload Media 2.1 with support for Google Cloud Storage! Happily using WP Offload…

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WP Offload Media 2.1

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Google Cloud Storage is now supported
  • Added "Remove Local Files" bulk/row/details Media page actions
  • Added "Make Private/Public in Bucket" bulk/row Media page actions
  • AWS PHP SDK updated
  • Diagnostic Info shows more complete settings information
Bug Fixes
  • Copy files to new bucket prompt incorrectly shown after changing storage provider

  • PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size exhausted when using Enable Media Replace

  • Year/Month path prefix incorrectly set in bucket for non-image media files

  • PHP Fatal error: Class 'XMLWriter' not found

  • PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method ...Aws3AwsS3ExceptionS3Exception::search() in .../classes/providers/aws-provider.php:439

  • PHP Warning: filesize(): stat failed for [file-path] in classes/amazon-s3-and-cloudfront.php on line 1309

WP Offload Media 2.0.2

New Features

  • Compatibility with Assets Pull addon 1.1.1

Assets Pull Addon 1.1.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • WordPress 5.0
Bug Fixes
  • Fatal error when saving settings

WP Offload Media 2.0.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Streamlined UI for setting Storage Provider and Bucket
  • Tested WordPress 5.0
Bug Fixes
  • Background images on global Divi library sections not filtering to remote version
  • Divi Frontend Builder does not filter to remote image URLs on load
  • Corrupt _wp_attachment_metadata causes download tool to fail
  • Change Provider link shown during copy between buckets
  • Failing install and download links shown for addons when license expired
  • On/Off switches in settings look reversed
  • Latest upgrade routine runs on fresh install
  • Defined settings still found in database
  • More Info links in Storage Provider settings incorrect

Assets Addon 1.0.2

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Supply correct Cache-Control headers to S3
  • Update View in S3 console link to open bucket in the current prefix
Bug Fixes
  • PHP fatal error on PHP versions less than 5.4
  • Modified files not updating on S3
  • Child theme assets not served from S3
  • Relative URLs within asset files sometimes result in 404 errors when Object Versioning is enabled

WP Offload S3 is now WP Offload Media and Adds Support for DigitalOcean Spaces

Back in February with our release of version 1.6 of WP Offload S3, we revealed that we’ve been working toward adding support for additional storage providers. We asked you which…

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WP Offload Media 2.0

New Features, Improvements

  • DigitalOcean Spaces is now supported
  • Plugin name updated from WP Offload S3 to WP Offload Media
  • More logical UI layout and better description of each setting

Assets Pull Addon 1.1

New Features, Improvements

  • Compatibility with WP Offload Media 2.0
  • Tweaks to the setup guide

WP Offload Media 1.7.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Images remotely edited via stream wrapper sometimes set as private on S3

WP Offload Media 1.7.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Error getting bucket region
  • Fatal error when child theme has missing or broken style.css
  • Child themes with missing or broken style.css break diagnostic info

WP Offload Media 1.7

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Using AWS PHP SDK v3
  • Requires PHP 5.5+
  • Divi Visual Builder integration added
  • as3cfpro_woo_use_attachment_capability filter added to change capability required for adding offloaded files to WooCommerce product
  • Supported AWS S3 regions updated and names changed to match current AWS nomenclature
  • Tested WordPress 4.9.6
  • Tested Gutenberg 3.0
Bug Fixes
  • PHP Warning: Declaration of AS3CF_Stream_Wrapper::register should be compatible with AwsS3StreamWrapper::register

  • File size not stored in _wp_attachment_metadata for audio/video files

  • Image srcset uses full size image if metadata size is stored as string

  • PHP Warning: preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given

  • SQL syntax error when using attachment_url_to_postid() with non-ascii file name

  • Remove All Files From Server tool does not use as3cf_preserve_file_from_local_removal filter

  • Remove All Files From Server tool does not store total file size info in metadata

  • WooCommerce product files with over 32 characters in name not downloadable

  • Downloading offloaded SVG file results in compressed file

  • Copy to new bucket fails for non-ascii file names

Assets Addon 1.2.8

New Features

  • This addon has been deprecated. If a security issue is identified we will release a fix. We don’t intend to push out any other releases. Eventually we’ll stop security releases as well. Please replace this addon with the new Assets Pull addon.
  • Compatibility with WP Offload S3 1.7

Assets Pull Addon 1.0.2

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Offload S3 1.7

WP Offload Media 1.6.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method ComposerAutoloadClassLoader::setClassMapAuthoritative()

  • AWS keys stored in database by Amazon Web Services plugin are not being migrated to new settings record

  • Notice in settings page that Amazon Web Services plugin no longer required is not being shown when Amazon Web Services active

WP Offload S3 1.6 Released: Lighter and More Independent

It’s not often that removing something from a product is a cause for great cheer, but with the removal of the dependency on the Amazon Web Services plugin in the…

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WP Offload Media 1.6.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Fatal error in stream wrapper setup when AWS Keys not set

WP Offload Media 1.6

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Web Services plugin is no longer required to run WP Offload S3

  • Added <a href="https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-offload-s3/doc/filtering-urls-for-multiple-domains/">as3cf_local_domains</a> filter for when site content is updated through multiple domains

  • AWS keys and license now set in new "Settings" tab, "License & Support" tab renamed to "Support"

  • Minor tweaks to settings page UI including right aligning tabs and consistent title across Lite and Pro plugins

  • cURL version, theme version and parent theme information added to diagnostics

Bug Fixes
  • Incompatible with plugins that include AWS PHP SDK v3
  • Regenerate Thumbnails v3.0+ does not work with Remove Files From Server option
  • "Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable" error with PHP 7.2
  • Force HTTPS not being applied to non-srcset S3 URLs in pages served over HTTP
  • Content URLs not filtered to S3 URLs if AWS keys not set
  • URL preview can be coerced to display invalid URL
  • Changes to upload made via as3cf_object_meta filter are not reflected in amazonS3_info records
  • Settings link not showing in network admin plugins page
  • Media Library Limit checked too often
  • Upload tool processes more items than batch limit allows
  • Upload tool tries to processes items in remaining network blogs after batch timeout reached
  • Edit attachment links missing in upload errors notice on multisites

Assets Addon 1.2.7

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • This addon has been deprecated. If a security issue is identified we will release a fix. We don’t intend to push out any other releases. Eventually we’ll stop security releases as well. Please replace this addon with the new Assets Pull addon.
Bug Fixes
  • "Generating new unique URL..." notice always visible after Webhook URLs
  • Only first minify-excludes entry in WPOS3_ASSETS_SETTINGS define used
  • Settings link not showing in network admin plugins page

Assets Pull Addon 1.0.1

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Domain check detects when CDN origin is S3 bucket instead of site
Bug Fixes
  • Domain check falsely returns "Signature verification error"
  • Domain check error does not link to support doc on page refresh
  • Wizard missing domain references after settings saved
  • Settings link not showing in network admin plugins page

Introducing the All-New Assets Pull Addon for WP Offload S3

We’re very excited to introduce you to the all-new Assets Pull addon for WP Offload S3. It’s a completely new plugin, written from scratch using a different approach, and intended…

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WP Offload Media 1.5.1

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with new Assets Pull addon
  • Compatibility with HTML Widget
  • Dismissible admin notice that WP Offload S3 will soon require PHP 5.5+
  • Compatibility with WordPress 4.9
  • All “Remove from S3” links and buttons now download files missing from server before removing from S3
Bug Fixes
  • Mass upload/download/delete fails on large multisites
  • Enable Media Replace can overwrite existing S3 file for different item
  • Enable Media Replace still uploads to S3 when "Copy to S3" turned off
  • Incorrect region used when changing bucket by defining it in WPOS3_SETTINGS
  • Upload tool's time displays incorrectly for long jobs in backgrounded browser
  • Media library notices render inside the upload tool
  • Upload tool pie chart shows NaN% when all media deleted
  • Upload tool state changes when percentage below 1%
  • Features disabled when license expires
  • Error logged during attempted upload of WPML generated duplicate items
  • Plugins row notices look ugly when showing deliciousbrains.com connection error
  • Save notices disappear on settings page
  • Improper use of jQuery.attr logged to browser console
  • 502 error logged when upload tool has many errors
  • WooCommerce downloads getting "reduce your request rate" notices from S3
  • "Content Filtering Upgrade" URL in notice incorrect
  • "Remove all files from S3" broken when cancelling a paused batch before it completes
  • "More info" links can be broken across two lines

Assets Addon 1.2.6

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • This addon has been deprecated. If a security issue is identified we will release a fix. We don’t intend to push out any other releases. Eventually we’ll stop security releases as well. Please replace this addon with the new Assets Pull addon.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 4.9
Bug Fixes
  • Assets status stuck on "Scanning..."
  • Inconsistent handling of directory separators on Windows servers breaks filtering
  • Plugins row notices look ugly when showing deliciousbrains.com connection error
  • Save notices disappear on settings page
  • Improper use of jQuery.attr logged to browser console
  • "More info" links can be broken across two lines

Assets Pull Addon 1.0

New Features

  • Initial Release!

WP Offload S3 1.5 Released: Copy Between Buckets & More

Today is once again release day for WP Offload S3 ‎🎉 and with it comes some new features and improvements. We’ve merged compatibility addons into the core plugin, added support…

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WP Offload Media 1.5

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WordPress 4.8
  • Tool to copy all Media Library files between buckets
  • Compatibility addons are no longer required
  • Support for WP CLI wp media regenerate
  • Intermediate image sizes are now passed through the as3cf_object_meta filter
  • Mass upload tool now reports missing intermediate image sizes
  • Content filtering cache now uses the external object when available
Bug Fixes
  • Timeouts on large multisite installs due to excessive database queries on upgrade routines
  • Video files with private ACL not working with WordPress's default media player
  • JavaScript alert sometimes shown when navigating away from settings screen
  • Bucket permissions check not using configured path
  • WordPress image editor sometimes shows a 404 when 'Remove Files From Server' enabled
  • Notice: Undefined index: region

Assets Addon 1.2.5

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Asset URLs not rewritten when site URL contains port number

WP Offload S3 1.4 Released

Today is release day for WP Offload S3 and with it comes some new features and some changes. It’s been just over two months since we released version 1.3, but…

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WP Offload Media 1.4

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Tool to delete all Media Library files from the local server that have already been uploaded to S3

  • Compatibility with Advanced Custom Fields

  • use_as3cf_media_actions capability for controlling which users have access to on-demand Media Library actions

  • as3cf_filter_post_local_to_s3 and as3cf_filter_post_s3_to_local filters added for filtering S3 URLs in custom content

  • Dismiss individual file errors when using the upload and download tools
  • Media Library URL updated when ACL toggled
  • Ensure files uploaded using media_handle_sideload have unique filename on S3 when 'Remove Files From Server' enabled
Bug Fixes
  • Files uploaded to S3 with empty filenames when the filename started with non-latin characters
  • Audio files with private ACL not working with WordPress's default media player
  • S3 API version not passed to S3 client
  • Content added to text widgets via the Customizer not saved
  • Original file not removed locally when cropped via the Customizer and 'Remove Files From Server' enabled
  • Incorrect Media Library URLs saved to the database when WordPress installed in a subdirectory
  • S3 file count incorrect when Media Library items have multiple amazonS3_info keys

WooCommerce Addon 1.0.7


  • Replace occurrences of basename with i18n friendly wp_basename

Assets Addon 1.2.4

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Some assets not detected when WordPress installed in a subdirectory
  • PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

Enable Media Replace Addon 1.0.4


  • Replace occurrences of basename with i18n friendly wp_basename

WP Offload Media 1.3.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Filter custom CSS - S3 URLs will no longer be saved to the database
Bug Fixes
  • PDF previews have incorrect MIME type
  • Original PDF not removed from S3 on attachment delete when image previews exist

WP Offload Media 1.3

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Tool to download offloaded files then remove them from S3
  • Upgrade routine to replace all S3 URLs in post excerpts with local URLs
  • Sidebar progress bar was confusing, seemed like something was currently uploading, replaced with pie chart

  • Reduced number of database queries on front-end requests

  • Allow expires time to be filtered for private content using the as3cf_expires filter

Bug Fixes
  • Image srcset not correctly applied when filenames contain special characters
  • Mass upload tool would only process the first 100 blogs in a multisite install
  • Multisite installs sometimes counted by the license API multiple times

WooCommerce Addon 1.0.6

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Save button remains disabled on variable products

Assets Addon 1.2.3

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Reduced number of database queries on front-end requests
  • Upload all plugin assets to S3, not just active plugins
  • Allow expires time to be filtered for private assets using the as3cf_assets_expires filter
Bug Fixes
  • Background jobs sometimes process multiple times

Enable Media Replace Addon 1.0.3

New Features

  • Compatibility with Enable Media Replace 3.0.3

Meta Slider Addon 1.0.2

New Features

  • Added support for Layer Slides

WP Offload Media 1.2.3

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Performance improvements for URL filtering, especially on large sites
Bug Fixes
  • Private URL signing params stripped in some circumstances

Assets Addon 1.2.2

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Include deactivated plugins when offloading to S3
Bug Fixes
  • Slow load times on installs with a large amount of assets

WP Offload Media 1.2.2

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Better content filtering support for third party plugins and themes
Bug Fixes
  • PHP Warning: Division by zero

WP Offload Media 1.2.1

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Filter post excerpts - S3 URLs will no longer be saved to the database
Bug Fixes
  • PHP 5.3 Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context
  • Query string parameters incorrectly encoded for Media Library items

WP Offload S3 1.2 Released

After nearly 6 months of development I’m pleased to announce the release of WP Offload S3 1.2. For now you’ll need to download it from My Account. Updates through the…

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WP Offload Media 1.2

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Filter post content. S3 URLs will no longer be saved to the database

  • Upgrade routine to replace all S3 URLs in content with local URLs

  • Support for theme custom logos

  • Control the ACL for intermediate image sizes using the as3cf_upload_acl_sizes filter

Bug Fixes
  • File names containing special characters double encoded
  • srcset not working for file names containing special characters
  • Incorrect placeholder text for ‘Path’ option
  • Objects in root of bucket not deleted when removed from the Media Library
  • No longer use deprecated functions in WordPress 4.6
  • Don’t delete local file when ‘Remove Files From Server’ enabled and upload to S3 fails
  • 'Install & Activate Addon' button not working from compatibility notices

Enable Media Replace Addon 1.0.2

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Offload S3 1.2

WP Offload Media 1.1.7

New Features

  • Compatibility with Assets addon 1.2.1

Assets Addon 1.2.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Slow load times when assets are being uploaded to S3
  • Duplicate database queries on front-end page requests

WP Offload Media 1.1.6

New Features, Improvements

  • Compatibility with WordPress 4.6
  • No longer delete plugin data on uninstall. Manual removal possible, as per this doc

Assets Addon 1.2 for WP Offload S3 Released

Another awesome iteration of the Assets addon has arrived. In version 1.2, we’ve redesigned part of the UI to fix some of the things that have been irritating us. For…

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WP Offload Media 1.1.5

New Features


Assets Addon 1.2

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • "Scan" and "Purge" buttons easier to find (now in sidebar)
  • Restrict scanning and uploading of core files to wp-admin and wp-includes by default
  • Reduced auto-scanning of core files to every 30 minutes by default
  • Reduced auto-scanning of mu-plugins files to every 15 minutes by default
  • Scan and upload core, plugin and theme files on successful upgrade
  • Quicker uploading with less resources by using background batch jobs
  • "Scan" and "Purge" buttons use AJAX instead of a page reload
  • Better descriptions of why assets are not being served with links to documentation
Bug Fixes
  • Scanning starts when toggled on rather than when settings saved
  • Failure saving large file queue on some database configurations
  • Undefined index: s3_info error when plugin removed during scan
  • Extra space in displayed scan and purge webhook URLs

WP Offload Media 1.1.4

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Now using simpler Force HTTPS setting, removed redundant Always Use HTTP setting
  • as3cf_cloudfront_path_parts filter allows changing served CloudFront path (useful when distribution pulls subdirectory)
  • Better compatibility with non-standard notices from other plugins and themes

  • Added basic auth and proxy info to diagnostic info

  • Added allow_url_fopen status to diagnostic info

  • Added memory usage to diagnostic info

  • Ensure notice text is 800px or less in width

  • Reduced database queries on settings screen

  • Clicking "enter your license here" in Plugins listing now focuses on the license textbox on Settings tab

  • Batch Find & Replace complete messages wait until all queued batches complete

Bug Fixes
  • Error when _wp_attachment_data metadata contains serialized WP_Error
  • Find & Replace modal still showing when clicking 'No' to the no local file warning
  • "Remove from S3" success notice has incorrect count when using Find & Replace
  • Find & Replace modal not showing when Media Library item's copy/remove S3 row action clicked before page finishes loading

Easy Digital Downloads Addon 1.0.4

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • EDD's Symlink File Downloads option forcing local files to be served instead of S3 version

Assets Addon 1.1.2


  • When Assets fails to upload a file after 3 attempts a notice is shown

WP Offload Media 1.1.3

New Features, Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with WordPress 4.5
Bug Fixes
  • Unable to upload new files to S3 when license expired or limit reached
  • Mass upload tool fails when a large amount of local files are missing

Easy Digital Downloads Addon 1.0.3

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Offload S3 1.1.3

WooCommerce Addon 1.0.5

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Offload S3 1.1.3

WP Offload Media 1.1.2

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Don't replace srcset URLs when Rewrite File URLs option disabled
  • Fatal error: Cannot redeclare as3cf_get_secure_attachment_url()
  • Download tool prompt not displaying on plugin deactivation
  • Unlimited license incorrectly calculating allowed upload limit
  • Uninstall would run for Lite version even if Pro version installed

WP Offload Media 1.1.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Fatal error on plugin activation

Easy Digital Downloads Addon 1.0.2

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Offload S3 1.1

WooCommerce Addon 1.0.4

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Offload S3 1.1

Assets Addon 1.1.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Processing uploads cron job schedule dropped on Multisite installs
  • Uploads failing when bucket, in a non standard region, is defined as a constant
  • Minify files not fired if shutdown hook not reached
  • Next scan time blank after turning on automatic scanning

Enable Media Replace Addon 1.0.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • New object version generated on replacement to bust CDN caches
Bug Fixes
  • Replacement fails and S3 file removed if local directory doesn't exist

Meta Slider Addon 1.0.1

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Offload S3 1.1

WPML Addon 1.0.1

New Features

  • Compatibility with WP Offload S3 1.1

ACF Image Crop Addon 1.0

New Features

  • Initial Release

WP Offload S3 1.1 Released

Today is release day for WP Offload S3 and with it comes some new features and some changes. The free edition of the plugin has been renamed to “WP Offload…

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WP Offload Media 1.1

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • "WP Offload S3 - Pro Upgrade" plugin is now "WP Offload S3" and no longer requires the free plugin
  • Define any and all settings with a constant in wp-config.php
  • Documentation links for each setting
  • Tool to detect all files missing from your server, download them from S3, and replace URLs
  • License usage now based on number of items offloaded to S3 rather than total attachments
  • Addon for ACF Image Crop support
  • Toggle S3 file permissions private/public
  • Link to attachment page in notice after copy to S3
  • Filter to ignore mime types using the uploader tool
  • Filter to exclude files from being subject to the "Remove Files From Server" setting
  • Simplified domain setting UI
  • Far future expiration header set by default
  • Newly created bucket now immediately appears in the bucket list
  • Cleanup user meta on uninstall
  • WP Retina 2x integration removed
  • Upload latest attachments first when using the uploader tool
  • Only perform find and replace of URLs on certain post types for performance
Bug Fixes
  • Year/Month folder structure on S3 not created if the ‘Organise my uploads into month and year-based folders’ WordPress setting is disabled

  • Responsive srcset PHP notices

  • Compatibility addon notices displayed to non-admin users

  • Potential PHP fatal error in MySQL version check in diagnostic log

  • Missing image library notices displaying before plugin is setup

  • URL find and replace fails if 'Rewrite File URLs' setting is off

  • Find and replace modal prompt hidden after previous dismissal

  • Uploader tool notice displaying 100% when some attachments left to upload

  • Copy back from S3 fails if the local directory doesn't exist

Assets Addon 1.1 for WP Offload S3 Released

We've added minification and gzip options to the Assets addon, allowing you to boost your PageSpeed score from a C to an A.

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WP Offload Media 1.0.5


  • Compatibility with WP Offload S3 Assets 1.1

Assets Addon 1.1

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Gzip option
  • Minify option
  • as3cf_assets_ignore_file filter to exclude files from scanning
  • as3cf_assets_file_url filter to modify enqueued URL output
  • woff2 added to default extensions
  • Assets tab options updated with links to documentation
Bug Fixes
  • Assets sometimes using absolute server path instead of site URL
  • Assets not purging from S3 when more than 1,000 items require deletion

WP Offload Media 1.0.4

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Improve wording of compatibility notices
Bug Fixes
  • Background processes not completing due to SSL verification error
  • Empty notices shown in WordPress admin area after dismissing find and replace notice

Easy Digital Downloads Addon 1.0.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • PHP Notice: Undefined variable: file_path
  • ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE error when Rewrite File URLs option is disabled

WooCommerce Addon 1.0.3

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE error when Rewrite File URLs option is disabled

WP Offload Media 1.0.3


  • Show a warning when third party plugins are detected that require a compatibility addon

WP Offload S3 0.9.7 & Pro Upgrade 1.0.2 Released with 3 New Addons

We don’t usually do a blog post for a minor release, but this is a massive minor release and deserves some attention. Although we haven’t added any new features to…

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WP Offload Media 1.0.2

New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Dismissible notices show between page loads until dismissed
  • Clear upload errors on 100% success
  • Fix Media Library bulk action buttons spacing on certain screen resolutions
Bug Fixes
  • PHP notice 'Undefined index: blog_id'
  • Mass upload of existing media stuck on 'Initiating upload'
  • Find and replace fails on legacy multisite installs
  • Mass upload notice not shown when upload cancelled or complete

WooCommerce Addon 1.0.2

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Added support for existing shortcodes used by the official WooCommerce S3 addon
Bug Fixes
  • Removing a file from the Downloadable Files list reverts private permissions even when used by another product

Enable Media Replace Addon 1.0

New Features

  • Initial Release

Meta Slider Addon 1.0

New Features

  • Initial Release

WPML Addon 1.0

New Features

  • Initial Release

WP Offload S3 Launched

Although we’ll call today the “official” launch, we actually (and sneakily) pushed out WP Offload S3 last month, on August 17. We felt late August wasn’t a good time to be promoting…

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WP Offload Media 1.0.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Dismissed license notices reappear when the license state has changed
  • Don't show activation warnings when access keys not defined
  • More intelligent license notices
Bug Fixes
  • NaN% shown on existing media upload modal
  • Multiple instances of the existing media upload modal allowed to proceed
  • Find and replace modal dismissible when performing actions
  • Multiple occurances of loading spinner on support tab when quickly switching tabs
  • Enable Media Replace plugin not replacing S3 URLs within content

WooCommerce Addon 1.0.1

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes
  • Select Downloadable File modal not closing on WooCommerce 2.4+

Assets Addon 1.0.1

Improvements, Bug Fixes

  • Disable path option when input blank
Bug Fixes
  • PHP fatal error when attempting to scan directories with incorrect permissions

Easy Digital Downloads Addon 1.0

New Features

  • Initial Release

WooCommerce Addon 1.0

New Features

  • Initial Release

Assets Addon 1.0

New Features

  • Initial Release

WP Offload Media 1.0

New Features

  • Initial Release
No Changelog entries