
An Update to WP Migrate DB Pro’s License Limits

Over the years we’ve received plenty of feedback about how WP Migrate’s license works, but a couple of complaints have come up time and time again.

Development & Staging Installs Shouldn’t Count

Until today, we counted any WordPress install that you activated your WP Migrate license on toward your license limit. If it was production it counted, if it was staging it counted, if it was development (dev) it counted. Customers didn’t like this. It went against their expectations. After all, most other plugin licenses don’t count dev and staging installs toward their license limit.

To resolve this confusion, we’re no longer counting dev and staging installs. Only production environments will count toward your limit. When you activate a new install, we will detect if it’s dev or staging automatically. We’ve already gone through installs that have already been activated and flagged the dev and staging sites to not count toward the limit.

We’ve definitely missed some though. If you set up staging sites for clients on a subdomain (e.g. or in a subdirectory (e.g. of your site, we haven’t flagged those as dev/staging. But we’ve created a setting for you to take care of this yourself. You can exempt the subdomains and subdirectories of that domain from counting by editing the Exempt Domain setting on the Active Sites page in My Account.

We have already flagged the staging sites of web hosts we know about (e.g. *, * but there’s plenty of others I’m sure we’ll have to add. As we train our detection system over time, our flagging of dev/staging sites will get better.

If you notice that we count one of your dev/staging installs toward your limit, just let us know and we’ll be happy to flag the site for you.

Deactivating Installs is a Tedious Waste of Time (Introducing Active Sites)

In the past, when you reached your install limit, you needed to login to My Account, go to View Activations, identify an install you no longer need active, and click the Deactivate link. And repeat another ten or more times to free up a batch of installs. And then repeat the whole process again soon.

Customers hated this. And for good reason. It is a tedious waste of time.

As of today we’ve eliminated the need to deactivate sites. We’ve replaced the whole concept of deactivating sites with the concept of “active sites.” When you use WP Migrate DB Pro on a production site, it is counted as an active site. After 30 days of not using WP Migrate DB Pro on that site, it will no longer count as an active site. Simple. You’ll never have to deactivate an install again.

The Install limits for current customers have been converted to Active Sites as follows:

Old Unlimited 500 Installs 100 Installs 12 Installs
New Unlimited 100 Active Sites 30 Active Sites 4 Active Sites

We’re confident these changes are a win for all our customers. If you feel differently, let us know about it by emailing