
A response was expected from the remote…

A response was expected from the remote, instead we got nothing. (#146 – scope: transfer_chunk)

Several things could be causing this, so let’s try to figure it out (in order):

  1. Are you on GoDaddy or Media Temple Managed WordPress hosting? If so, increase the Delay Between Requests on the Settings tab to 1 second and try running another migration.
  2. Turn on Compatibility Mode on both local and remote servers and try running another migration.
  3. Increase the memory limit on both local and remote servers and try running another migration.
  4. Turn on debugging by setting define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true ); in your wp-config.php file on both sites. Then try another migration to see if you get more information in the error message than simply an empty reply.
  5. Contact your web host and ask if ModSecurity is enabled on your account. If it is, ask them to look at the server logs and determine if WP Migrate DB Pro is triggering one of the security rules and see if they can whitelist the /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php URL for you site.