Error Codes
Below is a list of error messages you might come across in WP Migrate DB Pro. To use this document, please copy the error or error code (prefixed by a hash #) and search for it in the content below:
A problem occurred when attempting to connect to the local server, please check the details and try again. (#100)
A problem occurred when attempting to connect to the local server, please check the details and try again. (#102)
An error occurred when attempting to save the migration profile. Please see the Help tab for details on how to request support. (#104)
An error occurred when trying to generate the secret key. Please see the Help tab for details on how to request support. (#105)
An error occurred when trying to delete the profile. Please see the Help tab for details on how to request support. (#106)
An error occurred when trying to delete the profile. Please see the Help tab for details on how to request support. (#107)
An error occurred when trying to save the settings. Please try again. If the problem persists, please see the Help tab for details on how to request support. (#108)
A problem occurred when attempting to connect to the local server, please check the details and try again. (#112)
An error occurred when attempting to save the migration profile. Please see the Help tab for details on how to request support. (#118)
An error occurred when trying to clear the debug log. Please contact support. (#132)
These errors occur when the local server fails to return a valid response when making AJAX requests to itself. These local requests either failing outright or are not returning a valid JSON response.
To diagnose this issue you should have open your browsers debug console and check for any errors.
You may also want to check out the Troubleshooting Guide for some common problems and solutions to those problems.
The connection succeeded but the remote site is configured to reject push connections. You can change this in the “settings” tab on the remote site. (#110)
The connection succeeded but the remote site is configured to reject pull connections. You can change this in the “settings” tab on the remote site. (#110)
The connection succeeded but the remote site is configured to reject pull connections. You can change this in the “settings” tab on the remote site. (#122)
The connection succeeded but the remote site is configured to reject push connections. You can change this in the “settings” tab on the remote site. (#133)
The website you’re trying to connect to has not been set up to accept push/pull connections. Simply log into that website, navigate to the WP Migrate DB Pro plugin page and click the “Settings” tab.
Once there you can check either or both of the two options available:
- Accept pull requests allow this database to be exported and downloaded – enables pull migrations
- Accept push requests allow this database to be overwritten – enables push migrations
Invalid content verification signature, please verify the connection information on the remote site and try again. (#111)
Invalid content verification signature, please verify the connection information on the remote site and try again. (#120)
Invalid content verification signature, please verify the connection information on the remote site and try again. (#123)
Invalid content verification signature, please verify the connection information on the remote site and try again. (#124)
Invalid content verification signature, please verify the connection information on the remote site and try again. (#130)
This error occurs when verification fails when attempting to verify the HMAC signature of the incoming request.
Please ensure that the connection information (URL + secret key) copied from the remote website is still accurate and valid.
This error has also be known to be triggered by mod_security. See our ModSecurity section for more information on this.
A problem occurred when processing the <table name here> table. (#113)
This error can be triggered by a number of factors. To test whether or not it is a problem with a specific table or a general problem with the migration process you should probably try to exclude that table from the migration using the “Migrate only selected tables below” option.
If it is a problem with a specific table it might be caused by a plugin or theme conflict. You might want to disabling all plugins (except WP Migrate DB Pro) and reverting back to the default theme to see if it fixes this issue. You may also want to enable Compatibility Mode.
The connection failed, an unexpected error occurred, please contact support. (#121 – scope: <enter scope here>)
One of the remote POST calls failed and we were unable to automatically detect the reason. Please contact us directly for additional support.
You may also want to check out the Troubleshooting Guide for some common problems and solutions to those problems.
Failed to retrieve table structure, please ensure your database is online. (#125)
This error occurs when the SQL server fails when attempting to run a ‘DESCRIBE’ query on a particular table. If a particular table is failing you may want to try to manually run a ‘DESCRIBE’ query on that table in a tool like phpMyAdmin to see whether it’s working there.
It may also be that your DB server was not responding when attempting to run that particular query, you may want to try restarting your MySQL server and attempting the migration again.
Failed to generate the create table query, please ensure your database is online. (#126)
This error occurs when the SQL server fails when attempting to run a ‘SHOW CREATE TABLE’ query on a particular table. If a particular table is failing you may want to try to manually run a ‘SHOW CREATE TABLE’ query on that table in a tool like phpMyAdmin to see whether it’s working there.
It may also be that your DB server was not responding when attempting to run that particular query, you may want to try restarting your MySQL server and attempting the migration again.
Failed to write the gzipped SQL data to the file. (#127)
This error only occurs when using the “Export File” option in conjunction with the “Compress file with gzip”. You should try to uncheck the “Compress file with gzip” option to instead generate a plain text SQL dump.
This error may also be caused by file permission errors, please ensure your “wp-content/uploads/wp-migrate-db” directory exists and is writeable.
Failed to write the SQL data to the file. (#128)
This error may be caused by file permission errors, please ensure your “wp-content/uploads/wp-migrate-db” directory exists and is writeable.
Unable to connect to the remote server, please check the connection details – <response code> <response message> (#129 – scope: <scope>)
This error is usually caused by a HTTP connection error when attempting to connect to the remote machine. The solution relies heavily on what the actual HTTP error is, please contact support with the full message.
WP Migrate DB Pro does not seem to be installed or active on the remote site. (#131 – scope: <scope>)
This error occurs when the remote server returns an unexpected ‘0’ in the HTTP request response body. This usually indicates that WP Migrate DB Pro is not installed or activated on the remote website.
If that’s not the case, please contact us directly for additional support.
You may also want to check out the Troubleshooting Guide for some common problems and solutions to those problems.
The connection to the remote server has timed out, no changes have been committed. (#134 – scope: <scope>)
This error occurs when one of our HTTP POST requests has timed out, you can use our tweaks plugin to increase the default timeout.
Please note that the default timeout is 20 minutes. Requests should never exceed this limit, as such, if you’re experiencing a #134 error it is unlikely that increasing the timeout will fix your problem. Instead you may want to check your PHP and Apache error logs to see if any additional relevant debugging information is being logged.
This error may also be triggered by mod_security. See our ModSecurity section for more information on this.
Generally speaking, your WordPress administration pages should be loading fairly quickly. If your pages are taking any longer than 10 seconds you may run into problems.
Could not upload the SQL to the server. (#135)
Could not read the SQL we’ve uploaded to the server. (#136)
These errors only occur during push migrations and are most likely caused by a file permission issue, security/firewall or PHP configuration issue.
JSON Decoding Failure — Our AJAX request was expecting JSON but we received something else. Often this is caused by your theme and/or plugins spitting out PHP errors. If you can edit the theme or plugins causing the errors, you should be able to fix them up, but if not, you can set WP_DEBUG to false in wp-config.php to disable errors from showing up. (#144)
This error occurs during migrations when the JavaScript process controlling the migration is expecting a JSON response to an AJAX request that was made, but something else is received instead. This usually happens when your theme or plugins cause errors to be printed in the program’s output due to errors in their code or a conflict with another plugin, theme code, or even WP Migrate DB Pro itself.
The best course of action would be to fix any bugs in your theme or plugin files that are causing the errors and update or disable any offending plugins. You can also try enabling compatibility mode and setting WP_DEBUG to ‘false’ in your wp-config.php file to prevent any non-fatal program errors from being output.
A problem occurred when flushing caches and rewrite rules. (#145)
The final step in migration is to flush caches and rewrite rules. Because this step is performed after the migration is complete, Compatibility Mode is no longer in effect. PHP errors can interfere with this step by injecting extra output in the AJAX HTTP response.
The best course of action would be to fix any bugs in your theme or plugin files that are causing the errors and update or disable any offending plugins.