
Known Plugin Conflicts

The following is a list of plugins that are known to not play nicely with WP Migrate DB Pro.

If you’re experiencing problems with WP Migrate DB Pro and have any of these plugins enabled, we’d strongly recommend you temporarily disable them to confirm the conflict. You could also enable Compatibility Mode.

  • Bad Behavior — Can be fixed by temporarily deactivating it, enabling WPMDB’s Compatibility Mode and then activating again.
  • Polylang — Technically it works fine, but you must ensure the languages on the source site have been properly installed on the target before migration.
  • WordFence —  If you’re experiencing connection errors and have WordFence installed, you’ll need to whitelist connections between the two sites in WordFence in order for the migration to work.
  • Any plugin that forbids access to wp-admin/admin-ajax.php