Theme & Plugin Files Addon Changelog
1.2.0 - Oct 19, 2021
- New: Migrations can now include only active themes and plugins
- New: Migrations can now exclude user-specified themes and plugins
- Improvement: Migration profiles that include all themes are now aware of newly installed themes and plugins added after the creation of the profile
1.1.2 - Aug 30, 2021
- Bug fix: Migration gets stuck on scanning the theme/plugin files with a large file count.
- Bug fix: Migration fails with the error message
Temporary file not found
1.1.1 - Jun 21, 2021
- Improvement: Support for symlinked themes and plugins directories
- Bug fix: Excluded directories not being ignored during theme and plugin folders scan
1.1 - Apr 28, 2021
- New: Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 2.0
- New: Migrate theme & plugin files with the CLI addon
- New: Separate "Excludes" boxes for themes and plugins
- Bug fix: Theme files in subfolders not migrated
1.0.6 - Feb 03, 2021
- Bug fix: Parameter ordering in get_local_files() method throws warning in PHP 8+
- Bug fix: Deprecated PHP code causes warnings in PHP 8+
1.0.5 - Feb 07, 2019
- Improvement: Refactor to remove third-party dependency injection container
- Improvement: Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.9.3
- Bug fix: Running a CLI migration profile that includes themes and plugins causes an error
1.0.4 - Nov 27, 2018
- Improvement: Compatibility with WP Migrate DB Pro 1.9
- Improvement: Major reorganization of the PHP code into better classes and a better folder structure
1.0.3 - Oct 01, 2018
- Improvement: Do not show themes as active if on multisite
1.0.2 - Sep 18, 2018
- Bug fix: Plugin name not shown when transferring a single file plugin
- Bug fix: Servers using the New Relic PHP agent inject code into files during transfer
1.0.1 - Sep 13, 2018
- Bug fix: If two plugins share the same plugin 'slug' the second plugin takes precedence in UI
- Bug fix: PHP notice output when running pushes or pulls on the CLI
1.0 - Sep 07, 2018