Why Upgrade?
WP Migrate Lite vs WP Migrate
So you're already using WP Migrate Lite (the free version) and wondering why you should upgrade to WP Migrate? The paid version will save you time. And what's your time worth? Let's say it's $50 per hour. WP Migrate only needs to save you 5 hours and a Plus license has paid for itself! And that's not even putting a value on the headaches it will save you. The paid version comes with lots of time-saving features not available in the free version. A license gets you access to our awesome email support where you'll receive a prompt reply to your query from a knowledgeable member of our team. See the video and table below for details.

Free | Upgrade | |
Priority email supportWe don't provide free support so this is a big deal. An active licence will get you a prompt reply via email from a knowledgeable member of our team. And the Plus license or better will get you Priority email support which guarantees your request is assigned the highest priority. |
Push and pull your databasesLet's say you're developing locally but need the latest data from the live database. With WP Migrate installed on both sites, you can simply pull the live database down and replace your local database (even if your local database isn't publicly accessible). Once your changes are ready for the staging site, you can push your local database up and replace your staging database. How's that for a workflow? |
Sync the media files and uploads of two sitesPush and pull media files and uploads between two WordPress installs (included with a Plus license and better). Migrate all files, only files modified since the previous migration, or only files modified after a specific date. |
Run push/pull migrations from the command lineThe WP-CLI integration (included with the Standard license and better) gives you push and pull commands, and allows you to specify all the arguments to run a migration. No UI needed. Use this to setup migrations to run automatically with a cron job. |
Migrate between multisites, subsites, and single sitesMultisite Tools (included with the Premier license) allow you to export, push, and pull subsites across multisite networks and single sites. |
Migrate your themes and pluginsPush and pull your theme and plugin files between two WordPress installs as fast as FTP (if not faster) without requiring FTP access (included with a Developer license and better). |
Select which tables to migrateWith the pro version, you can migrate all tables for the current install (default) or select exactly which tables to migrate. Handy for excluding large tables containing logs or something similar. |
Exclude post typesSelect which post types you don’t want in the migrated posts table. Handy for exluding unwanted post types like revisions. |
Find & replace detail viewWhen running a Find & Replace, preview the exact changes that will be made to the database before they are applied. If something doesn’t look right, cancel the changes, refine your search, and try again without worrying about unintended results. |
Find & replace that handles serialized data |
Beautiful progress UI |
Pause and cancel migrations |
Compatiblity mode to resolve any plugin conflicts |
Export your database |
Exclude SPAM comments and transients |
Save migration profiles |
Well tested, secure code |