
WP Offload SES Changelog

1.7.0 - Jul 01, 2024

  • New: Logs of successfully sent emails can now be instantly removed
  • New: Logs of failed emails that have been successfully re-sent can now be instantly removed
  • New: Logs can now be bulk deleted via new "Purge Logs" functionality
  • New: Emails can now be enqueued in the local database without being sent to Amazon SES via the new "Enqueue Only" mode
  • New: "Enqueue Only" mode can now be programmatically configured via the enqueue-only key in WPOSES_SETTINGS
  • New: PHP 7.4 or later is now required
  • New: AWS PHP SDK has been updated to v3.308.6
  • Bug fix: Accessing the settings page is now much faster when there are millions of logged emails
  • Bug fix: URLs with encoded parameters generated by third parties are now compatible with click tracking
  • Bug fix: "Cron not running" emails are no longer sent for every subsite during a multisite network upgrade
  • Bug fix: The admin notice regarding failed emails now links to the correct network settings page when multisite is enabled and subsite settings are disabled

1.6.8 - Feb 09, 2024

  • Bug fix: Using the WPOSES_SETTINGS define no longer causes a fatal error

1.6.7 - Feb 08, 2024

  • Bug fix: Security: Unserializing an object related to plugin settings now passes 'allowed_classes' => false to avoid instantiating the complete object and potentially running malicious code
  • Bug fix: Security: Processing of the email queue now restricts the type of data allowed to ensure stored queue items meet requirements

1.6.6 - Aug 24, 2023

  • New: WordPress 6.3 compatible
  • New: PHP 8.2 compatible
  • New: AWS PHP SDK has been updated to v3.279.0
  • New: Links to plugin documentation, support, feedback, and changelog are now available in the footer of WP Admin
  • New: Returning an empty array from the 'wp_mail' filter will stop the email from being queued and sent
  • New: Delete from logs after 1 day and 3 days options added
  • Bug fix: "Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(~/.aws/config) is not within the allowed path(s)" is no longer logged to debug.log
  • Bug fix: Settings sub-menu in a multisite subsite no longer wraps incorrectly
  • Bug fix: Settings tooltips are now displayed in their correct position

1.6.5 - Jun 05, 2023

  • Bug fix: Apostrophes in email addresses no longer prevent sending
  • Bug fix: More than 25 Verified Senders can now be managed

1.6.4 - May 18, 2023

  • Bug fix: WP Offload SES now works with PHP 8.2
  • Bug fix: Security: Updated AWS SDK to address a vulnerability in guzzlehttp/psr7 as reported in CVE-2023-29197

1.6.3 - Apr 12, 2023

  • Bug fix: WP Offload SES is once again compatible with sites using PHP 7 and WordPress 5.3–5.8
  • Bug fix: Inability to connect to the licensing API no longer causes fatal errors in WP Admin

1.6.2 - Mar 31, 2023

  • Improvement: Instructions for creating IAM user are now up to date with current AWS process

1.6.1 - Mar 15, 2023

  • Bug fix: Emails sent from a verified domain no longer result in an unverified email address notice

1.6.0 - Feb 15, 2023

  • View Release Post
  • New: Maximum message size has been increased from 10 MB to 40 MB
  • New: Amazon SES API has been updated from v1 to v2
  • New: PHP 7.2 or later required
  • New: WordPress 5.3 or later required
  • New: WordPress 6.1 compatible
  • New: WP_Queue has been updated to v2.0
  • New: AWS PHP SDK has been updated to v3.258.3
  • Bug fix: Spelling corrected
  • Bug fix: Invalid Content-Type headers no longer stop emails from being sent

1.5.6 - May 27, 2021

  • New: Added Milan and Cape Town as available regions
  • New: Added "wposes_ses_regions" filter for adding regions manually
  • Bug fix: PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in .../vendor/deliciousbrains/updates.php on line 158

1.5.5 - Apr 01, 2021

  • Bug fix: Some fields of the Activity tab are not properly escaped which is an XSS risk
  • Bug fix: Emails occasionally failing due to "WorkerAttemptsExceededException"
  • Bug fix: Passing CC/BCC in CSV format not working correctly
  • Bug fix: Upgrade routines can be run more than once during an upgrade

1.5.4 - Dec 14, 2020

  • New: New: WordPress 5.6 and PHP 8 compatible
  • New: New: Added North California, Paris, Stockholm, and Bahrain as available regions

1.5.3 - Aug 06, 2020

  • New: Added Ohio, Seoul, Singapore, and Tokyo as available regions
  • New: Compatibility with WordPress 5.5
  • Bug fix: Queue not running when PHP memory limit is over 1G
  • Bug fix: Fatal error when deleting a job that no longer exists

1.5.2 - Jun 19, 2020

  • Improvement: Health Report no longer includes the Health Report in email summaries
  • Bug fix: Reports tab slow to load for sites with high email volume
  • Bug fix: Email queue getting stuck if there is a fatal error while processing an email
  • Bug fix: Missing mbstring module causes fatal error

1.5.1 - Apr 27, 2020

  • New: Added London, central Canada, and São Paulo as available regions
  • New: Added 7 day log duration
  • New: Added wposes_send_cron_error_email filter for disabling cron error emails
  • Improvement: Reduce interval between cron health checks to reduce false-positives
  • Bug fix: Cron health check not working properly on multisite installs
  • Bug fix: Cron health check email being sent twice in some situations
  • Bug fix: Cron health check still runs when sending via SES is disabled

1.5 - Mar 11, 2020

  • New: Store a copy of attachments to prevent conflicts with other plugins
  • Improvement: Health report no longer center aligned
  • Bug fix: Health report not being sent in some situations
  • Bug fix: Invalid headers causing email to fail
  • Bug fix: Index on email log table too large for some MySQL servers
  • Bug fix: Filter for infinite log duration no longer working
  • Bug fix: Open tracking image missing alt attribute
  • Bug fix: Activity tab UI controls not aligned since WordPress 5.3
  • Bug fix: "From name" wrapped in quotes in some situations

1.4 - Dec 11, 2019

  • New: Daily/weekly/monthly health report in your inbox gives you confidence your emails are sending
  • New: Added Frankfurt, Mumbai, and Sydney as available regions
  • Bug fix: Click tracking improperly encodes anchor links
  • Bug fix: Emails that fail before being added to queue holding up the rest of the queue

1.3.2 - Sep 11, 2019

  • Improvement: Detect if there are problems with WP Cron
  • Improvement: Immediately try to send email when it is added to the queue
  • Improvement: If subsite settings are disabled, process all emails in queue via any subsite cron
  • Improvement: Ask for confirmation before deleting email in Activity tab
  • Bug fix: Query for Reports tab is not performant
  • Bug fix: Broken link to plugin settings page if subsite settings are disabled
  • Bug fix: Undefined index SERVER_NAME in some environments

1.3.1 - Aug 07, 2019

  • Bug fix: Plugin no longer working as an mu-plugin
  • Bug fix: Activity tab doesn't properly handle multiple recipients
  • Bug fix: "Tags" step missing from Setup wizard
  • Bug fix: Missing SimpleXMLElement module causes fatal error
  • Bug fix: Error when adding email headers in some situations
  • Bug fix: Resending a sent or failed email does not create a new record in the Activity tab

1.3 - Jul 16, 2019

  • New: View all emails in the new Activity tab
  • New: Resend any sent, failed, or cancelled emails
  • New: Cancel emails that are queued for sending
  • New: View a specific email
  • New: Search for a specific email
  • New: View open/click tracking information for a specific email
  • Bug fix: PHP notice logged in some multisite installs

1.2 - May 07, 2019

  • New: Multisite network level setting to enable subsite settings
  • New: Multisite subsite level setting to override network settings
  • Improvement: Increase default log retention to 90 days
  • Bug fix: Reports search field can't be submitted by hitting "Enter"

1.1 - Apr 17, 2019

  • Improvement: Compatibility with upgrades from WP SES and WP Offload SES Lite
  • Bug fix: Every plugin activation results in "Mail function already overridden" logged to error log
  • Bug fix: Password reset emails are not getting tracked
  • Bug fix: Verified senders table sometimes formatted incorrectly

1.0.3 - Feb 13, 2019

  • Bug fix: Some invalid emails can prevent all mail from being sent
  • Bug fix: Cannot send emails before the WordPress init action hook
  • Bug fix: Setting an IAM policy to deny getIdentityVerificationAttributes breaks the UI
  • Bug fix: Some emails are not deleted during log cleanup

1.0.2 - Jan 28, 2019

  • Bug fix: Conflict with Offload Media

1.0.1 - Jan 28, 2019

  • Bug fix: Some UTF-8 characters not displaying correctly
  • Bug fix: Setup wizard not recognizing existing verified identities
  • Bug fix: Conflict with AffiliateWP
  • Bug fix: Database warning during upgrade routine

1.0 - Jan 09, 2019

  • New: Initial Release