Level Up

A collection of resources for WordPress Developers, written and curated by experts

Recent Posts

Syncing WordPress Database Changes Between Environments: How We Handle Merging

Database synchronization is a problem that still gets raised almost every month in the local WordPress communities I’m part of – “if I am making changes to my local site,…

Iain Poulson

Jul 23, 2024

Everything You Need to Know About Installing WordPress in a Subdirectory

In this article, we look at the benefits and limitations of installing WordPress in a subdirectory, how to install and manage subdirectory installs, and how to move WordPress core out…

Iain Poulson

Nov 30, 2023

Level Up

SQL Query Optimization for Faster WordPress Sites

A fast site means happier users, improved ranking from Google, and increased conversions. Maybe you even think your WordPress sites are as fast as they can be – you’ve looked… Read more

Iain Poulson

Jan 23, 2023

WordPress Plugin Development Best Practices: Template Files

When we talk about templates in WordPress we are normally referring to page template files in the theme. However, there are plugins that use template files to display content, and…

Iain Poulson

Dec 15, 2022

The Ultimate Overview of the WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg) for Developers in 2022

I’ve been loosely following the noise and #wpdrama surrounding Gutenberg for as long as it has been around and honestly for the most part I’ve had negative feelings around it…

Iain Poulson

Aug 25, 2021

Level Up

WP Migrate DB Pro 2.1 Released: Regular Expression and Case-Sensitive Find and Replace, Accessibility Improvements, and More

WP Migrate DB Pro 2.0 was probably our most significant update to date, and we were pretty excited to get it released to our customers. After four bugfix releases to…

Iain Poulson

Aug 4, 2021

WP Migrate DB Pro 2.0 Released: New React-Powered UI, New Media Files Addon, Remote Plugin Updates, and More

I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by. Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt Can you believe it’s been almost two and a half…

Iain Poulson

Apr 28, 2021

How to Use Xdebug for Advanced PHP Debugging

You could just debug your PHP code using dump debugging functions such as error_log, print, and var_dump, and let’s be honest, we’ve all done it a lot! While helpful sometimes,…

Iain Poulson

Apr 21, 2021

Advanced Custom Fields: A Guide to Custom Fields and ACF Blocks

I’ve been a fan of Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) for a long time now. It’s used on almost every site I’ve built or worked on for the last few years.…

Iain Poulson

Mar 16, 2021

Introducing the Elementor Integration for WP Offload Media

In the first of hopefully many plugin releases this year, the WP Offload Media team has been working hard on some big integrations and improvements. Today we’re pleased to announce…

Iain Poulson

Mar 3, 2021