Level Up

A collection of resources for WordPress Developers, written and curated by experts

Database8 resources

Syncing WordPress Database Changes Between Environments: How We Handle Merging

Database synchronization is a problem that still gets raised almost every month in the local WordPress communities I’m part of – “if I am making changes to my local site,… Read more

Iain Poulson

Jul 23, 2024

How to Test Webhooks From Public APIs in Local Development

Webhooks are a mechanism for receiving notifications about events from disparate systems without having to continuously poll them. Also called Reverse APIs, they can be thought of as providing “API… Read more

Sanjucta Ghose

Feb 15, 2024

What MySQL 5.7 EOL Means for WordPress Developers

After eight years of general availability, no one can say MySQL 5.7 didn’t have a good run. MySQL 5.7 officially reaches its End of Life (EOL) in October 2023. The… Read more

Mike Davey

Aug 17, 2023

Head-to-Head: WordPress Export/Import vs. WP Migrate

The internal import and export tools in WordPress work pretty well…if the site you’re migrating is relatively small, doesn’t use a custom theme, and wasn’t built with any tricky coding.… Read more

Mike Davey

Feb 10, 2023

Remotely Back Up Your WordPress Database and Media With WP Migrate CLI

Keeping regular backups of your WordPress installs is one of the most important things you should do after you launch a site. If you search for the term “backup” in… Read more

Mike Davey

Oct 25, 2022

The Ultimate Developer’s Guide to the WordPress Database

Here at Delicious Brains we eat, drink and sleep databases. However, we believe that any developer working with WordPress should have some level of knowledge about the database that sits… Read more

Iain Poulson

Jun 3, 2020

Creating a Custom Table with PHP in WordPress

Have you ever wondered what it takes to create a custom table in WordPress or why you would ever want or need to? WordPress comes with many different ways to… Read more

Evan Mattson

Sep 12, 2017

Managing Custom Tables in WordPress

Once upon a time I tried to build a theme and plugin store into the WordPress dashboard. Kind of like iTunes for WordPress. I called it WP App Store. Long… Read more


Sep 8, 2015