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Posts tagged: Unit Testing

Refactoring JavaScript: How to Avoid Technical Debt While Working with Legacy Code

Do you have a legacy JavaScript codebase you’re avoiding refactoring? So does WordPress. If you’ve been paying attention to WordPress core lately, you may have noticed that there has been… Read more

Peter Tasker

May 23, 2017

Unit Testing Ajax and API Requests in WordPress Plugins

I am scared of unit testing. There, I’ve said it. Unit testing is one of those practices that I know I should be doing, there are benefits to doing it,… Read more

Iain Poulson

Nov 3, 2015

How We Unit Test WP Migrate DB Pro

When you have a professional grade WordPress plugin such as WP Migrate DB Pro whose core functionality requires communication between two WordPress installations, how on Earth do you set up… Read more


Jan 29, 2015