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Email6 resources

WP Offload SES 1.7 Released: Enqueue Only Mode and Improvements for High-Volume Senders

WP Offload SES 1.7 adds a new “Enqueue Only” mode that can be used to prevent sending accidental emails in development and staging environments or to temporarily pause all emails…


Jul 1, 2024

WordPress, Spam Filtering, and You: From SPF to DKIM to Blocklists

There is no one key to making sure WordPress site emails are sent reliably and stay out of the recipient’s spam folder. A common recommendation is to use a dedicated…

Matt Shaw

Nov 1, 2022

Exploring Email Tracking With Amazon SES and CloudWatch

Every WordPress site has to send emails, but there’s no built-in tracking for them. This makes it impossible to know if your emails are being opened and clicked or just…

Matt Shaw

Oct 5, 2022

The State of HTML Email in WordPress in 2022

One question that I’ve been asked a few times while working on WP Offload SES is how it handles HTML email. By default, WordPress sends out all emails as plain…

Matt Shaw

Oct 27, 2021

Amazon SES vs SendGrid vs Mailgun vs Sendinblue: Pricing, Features, and WordPress Plugin Quality

It’s no secret that we love Amazon SES – we released a plugin that specifically helps you set it up on your WordPress site. But it’s also worth looking at…

Matt Shaw

Feb 9, 2021

MailPoet and WordPress Newsletter Plugins vs Mailchimp and Drip in 2021

There are many options when it comes to sending out email newsletters for your WordPress site. You can choose from dozens of plugins or dedicated services like Mailchimp or Drip.…

Matt Shaw

Jan 28, 2021