Level Up

A collection of resources for WordPress Developers, written and curated by experts

Recent Posts

WP Engine Has Acquired the Delicious Brains Plugins!!

That’s right! Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), WP Migrate, WP Offload Media, WP Offload SES, and Better Search Replace are now part of the WP Engine family of products, enhancing their… Read more


Jun 2, 2022

2021 Year in Review: Tripled, Acquired, Reborn, and Humming

TL;DR — Despite the pandemic, we had a great year as a team and as a business. We tripled the size of the team, acquired ACF, shipped and published a… Read more


Jan 6, 2022

Create Your Own SSL Certificate Authority for Local HTTPS Development

In 2018 Google started advocating that sites adopt HTTPS encryption, by marking sites not using an SSL certificate as “not secure” in their Chrome browser. This was widely accepted as…


Nov 23, 2021

Understanding WordPress GUIDs: What They Are, and Why Change Them

The WordPress GUID is a unique identifier for individual posts, pages, media, and practically any other custom post type. As such, it’s a key element in rendering your WordPress content…


Nov 17, 2021

A WordPress Announcement of Epic Proportions

It’s hard to get the excitement of this announcement across in print. If you really want to feel the excitement and celebrate with us, you should check out the special… Read more


Jun 1, 2021

Why You Should be Using WP_DEBUG_LOG in Your WordPress Development

Whether you’re a developer, or a site owner troubleshooting a problem with your site, understanding the WP_DEBUG_LOG constant for turning on the WordPress debug log is very important. In this…


Apr 13, 2021

2020 Year in Review: Business in the Front, Business in the Back

TL;DR – 2020 has been a difficult year for us, but we still did very well and feel very fortunate. Despite the fear and uncertainty of a pandemic and hiring… Read more


Jan 4, 2021

WP Offload Media 2.4 Released: Private Media with a Custom Domain and Amazon CloudFront

This is a big release, six months in the making…well, really 5 years in the making! Check out the date on this GitHub issue 😱… We’re so excited to finally…


Jul 14, 2020

2019 Year in Review - Double the Products, Double the Fun

2019 Year in Review: Double the Products, Double the Fun

TL;DR – We launched two new products this year (SpinupWP and WP Offload SES), kicked off a new chapter for WP Migrate DB Pro, made big improvements to WP Offload… Read more


Jan 8, 2020

WP Offload SES 1.3 Released: Search, View, and Resend Sent Emails

WP Offload SES 1.3 Released: Search, View, and Resend Sent Emails

Today, we’re introducing a bunch of features for WP Offload SES. It’s no secret that WP Offload SES has been light on features since its launch. That’s the main reason…


Jul 23, 2019