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Posts tagged: Year in Review

2021 Year in Review: Tripled, Acquired, Reborn, and Humming

TL;DR — Despite the pandemic, we had a great year as a team and as a business. We tripled the size of the team, acquired ACF, shipped and published a… Read more


Jan 6, 2022

2020 Year in Review: Business in the Front, Business in the Back

TL;DR – 2020 has been a difficult year for us, but we still did very well and feel very fortunate. Despite the fear and uncertainty of a pandemic and hiring… Read more


Jan 4, 2021

2019 Year in Review - Double the Products, Double the Fun

2019 Year in Review: Double the Products, Double the Fun

TL;DR – We launched two new products this year (SpinupWP and WP Offload SES), kicked off a new chapter for WP Migrate DB Pro, made big improvements to WP Offload… Read more


Jan 8, 2020

2018 Year in Review: Our Most Productive Yet

This has been the most focused and productive year for Delicious Brains, Inc., yet. We shipped a bunch of new features for our existing products and built two new products.… Read more


Jan 15, 2019

title image with Delicious Brains logo

2017 Year in Review: Hiring, Firing and Revenue Details

This past year was a rollercoaster of a ride. Some high highs and low lows. We added team members and had to let some go. We saw dips in revenue… Read more


Feb 6, 2018

2016 Year in Review

For the last couple of years, I’ve published a “year in review” post on my personal blog. (In fact, that’s all I’ve published on my blog in the past two… Read more


Jan 10, 2017