
Compatibility With Other Plugins

WP Offload Media has been coded to use WordPress hooks and filters for uploading attachments and serving their URLs. This means that, for the most part, the plugin should be compatible with other plugins.

Most compatibility issues arise when WP Offload Media is configured to remove files from the server after uploading to the bucket. Many types of plugins like sliders, galleries and optimization tools require access to the local file. With so many of these kinds of plugins on the WordPress repository, not to mention premium plugins, it is hard to cater for them all. But we do attempt to cover those plugins we have encountered issues for as we find them.

WP Offload Media Lite

Out of the box the plugin supports the WordPress image editing and Customizer image tools, as well as the popular Regenerate Thumbnails plugin. It also allows plugins to communicate with bucket images, even if they have been removed from the server, fixing the majority of plugin compatibility issues.

WP Offload Media

The paid version adds compatibility with the following plugins and in some cases extra functionality:

If there is another plugin you are having issues getting to play nicely with WP Offload Media, then get in touch.

Caching Plugins

You should have no issues using WP Offload Media for your media library alongside a caching plugin like WP Total Cache or WP Rocket. It’s important to remember that WP Offload Media doesn’t provide a page caching solution, which is one of the most important things you can implement to speed up your website. WP Offload Media is designed to work alongside an existing caching solution such as Varnish or FastCGI caching, or a caching plugin.

If your caching plugin includes an option to cache the Media Library via a CDN you should turn that setting off as it will very likely conflict with WP Offload Media.

When using the Assets Pull addon you will need to turn off the CDN feature in your caching plugin for other assets too to avoid potential conflicts.

Third Party Addons

Whilst we can’t build a compatibility integration for every plugin that needs one, we do have a bunch of hooks and filters available that should allow a developer to build their own addon to accomplish what they need. A great starting point is our Tweaks plugin, and we will be happy to assist with development where necessary.

If you have built an addon let us know, it would be great to feature it below:

Plugins That Integrate With WP Offload Media

Although not verified or tested by Delicious Brains, we hear that the following plugins work with WP Offload Media: