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Posts tagged: Development Environment

Install WP-CLI

The Complete Guide to Installing WP-CLI

The WordPress command line interface (WP-CLI) is a powerful WordPress-developer focused tool. Here at Delicious Brains we use it to help us write tests, manage changes to our site databases,… Read more


Mar 15, 2022

Create Your Own SSL Certificate Authority for Local HTTPS Development

In 2018 Google started advocating that sites adopt HTTPS encryption, by marking sites not using an SSL certificate as “not secure” in their Chrome browser. This was widely accepted as… Read more


Nov 23, 2021

The Best Setup for Your Local WordPress Development Environment

When running a WordPress website it’s best practice to at least run a local copy of the site so you can make changes without running the risk of completely ruining… Read more

Iain Poulson

Sep 16, 2020

How Laravel Valet Works Exactly

Developers tend to love messing about with their local development environments to see what fits their project requirements and workflow best. Since its launch in 2016, Laravel Valet has quickly… Read more

Gilbert Pellegrom

Oct 8, 2019

Using Devilbox for Local WordPress Development in Docker

For some time now I’ve been wanting to move all of my local development sites over to Docker instead of running them natively on my machine or running them in… Read more

Gilbert Pellegrom

Feb 13, 2018