Level Up

A collection of resources for WordPress Developers, written and curated by experts

Level Up

Multisite Support

We test and currently support migration from one multisite install to another multisite install at the network level. The Multi Site Tools Addon enables additional functionality for WordPress multisite which…


Aug 11, 2014

Level Up

Login Redirect Loop

Try adding the following to your wp-config.php file: define(‘ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH’, ‘/’); define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”); define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ”); define(‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ”); Please see this article for more information on this issue.


Level Up

Different Table Prefixes

In versions of WP Migrate DB Pro older than 2.2.0, one of the limitations was that the site you were migrating to/from had to have the same table prefix. However,…


Level Up

Nginx PHP-FPM Timeouts

Unfortunately Nginx + PHP-FPM configurations do not respect PHP’s set_time_limit() function. There’s a couple of ways you can minimize the likelihood of a timeout. You can try lowering the “Maximum…


Level Up

Memory Issues

There are two ways to combat issues related to low memory, reduce the memory being used or increase the memory that can be used. Maximum Request Size WP Migrate DB…


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ModSecurity is a popular web application firewall often used on Apache web server environments. In certain scenarios, ModSecurity will interfere with and disrupt the WP Migrate DB Pro migration process.…


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PHP Scream

The PHP scream extension allows you to disable the silencing error control operator so all errors are reported. WP Migrate DB Pro uses the @ error control operator to improve…


Level Up

Active Sites Limit

Each WP Migrate license tier has a different number of Active Sites available, as defined on the pricing page. All Individual licenses, except the Premier license, have a specific limit…


Jun 8, 2017

Level Up

An Update to WP Migrate DB Pro’s License Limits

Over the years we’ve received plenty of feedback about how WP Migrate’s license works, but a couple of complaints have come up time and time again. Development & Staging Installs…


Level Up

Scheduling Migrations/Backups with the CLI

While WP Migrate Pro doesn’t offer a built-in method for scheduling migrations, this is something that can be easily and reliably achieved using your system’s Cron and the WP Migrate…


Apr 30, 2015