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Code18 resources

Why You Should Use the WordPress HTTP Functions to Make API Requests

Sometimes your WordPress site needs to talk to other services around the web. This almost exclusively happens using the HTTP protocol. A common example is when your WordPress installation contacts…


Oct 27, 2023

Examples of Refactoring PHP Code for Better Readability

Refactoring code is when you restructure existing code without changing its external behavior. Basically your aim is to make “bad” code better without changing the underlying functionality, and one of…

Gilbert Pellegrom

Sep 15, 2023

PHP Static Analysis

Get Started with PHP Static Code Analysis

Imagine a world where your IDE or code editor detected problems before you even ran the code. Imagine if whole categories of errors could be automatically identified and easily eliminated…

Ross Wintle

Dec 21, 2021

How to Use Xdebug for Advanced PHP Debugging

You could just debug your PHP code using dump debugging functions such as error_log, print, and var_dump, and let’s be honest, we’ve all done it a lot! While helpful sometimes,…

Iain Poulson

Apr 21, 2021

Optimizing Laravel Part 2: Improving Query Performance with Database Indexing

This is article 2 of 4 in the series “Optimizing Laravel” In my last article we looked at some simple commands and some basic code tweaks we could use to…

Gilbert Pellegrom

Mar 26, 2019

Optimizing Laravel Part 1: The Basics

This is article 1 of 4 in the series “Optimizing Laravel” Laravel is a very popular PHP framework these days and can be used for a range of web applications,…

Gilbert Pellegrom

Feb 5, 2019

Improve Page Load Time For Your WordPress Site with WP Offload S3: A Case Study

One of the great things about working at Delicious Brains is working on products that I use and love outside of work. I was a WP Migrate DB Pro customer…

Iain Poulson

Aug 7, 2018

Getting into Go for PHP developers

How many programming languages do you regularly work with? But you probably have your favorites. Myself, I’ve built my career on PHP and JavaScript. I’m always looking to learn something…

Peter Tasker

May 30, 2018

Building a Command Line Daemon in PHP to Emulate AWS SQSD

Sometimes when you’re building a project there are parts of the architecture that exist on production that don’t exist on your development machine. Those missing parts (like proprietary software that’s…

Gilbert Pellegrom

May 30, 2017

Dependency Management and WordPress: A Proposal

‘Dependency hell’ is a problem faced by all software, and it has been rearing its ugly head in the WordPress space over the last few years with more and more…

Iain Poulson

Mar 22, 2017

Finding Bottlenecks in WordPress Code

A few months back Iain wrote about how our team pushes each other to be better developers, which included insights into how we improve code quality using tools such as…


Nov 15, 2016

Building Reactive WordPress Plugins – Part 3 – Elm

This is article 3 of 3 in the series “Building Reactive WordPress Plugins” In this final part of the Building Reactive WordPress Plugins series I’ll be exploring using Elm to…


Sep 20, 2016

Building a SaaS app with Laravel Spark: Web Uptime

If you keep up with the Laravel community at all you’ll be aware that Taylor Otwell recently released his much anticipated SaaS scaffolding library called Spark. Spark is a library…

Gilbert Pellegrom

Jun 21, 2016

Building Reactive WordPress Plugins – Part 2 – Vue.js

This is article 2 of 3 in the series “Building Reactive WordPress Plugins” In the first part of this series I showed you how to build WP Cron Pixie, a…


Jun 7, 2016

How Our Team Pushes Each Other to be Better Developers

Since I started working at Delicious Brains, it seems we have been hiring pretty much constantly. Prospective new hires go through a few weeks trial where they work on our…

Iain Poulson

May 24, 2016

Building Reactive WordPress Plugins – Part 1 – Backbone.js

This is article 1 of 3 in the series “Building Reactive WordPress Plugins” This is the beginning of a short series of articles showing how to create a simple WordPress…


Apr 12, 2016

Using React and Laravel Lumen to Build a Company Status Board

A few months ago I bought an Apple Cinema display to use with my Macbook Pro. My plan was to use both screens, my Cinema display as my primary screen…

Gilbert Pellegrom

Nov 17, 2015

Dive In To WordPress Core Development

A Developer’s Guide to Contributing to WordPress Core

Every month the team here at Delicious Brains have a “WP Core Contrib Day”, a day to give back to WordPress Core. This is an important day for us as we…


Mar 19, 2015