General Debugging
Emails Failing to Send Enable debug logging by editing your wp-config.php file to replace this line: define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false ); With the following lines: define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true); define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false);…
Add DKIM Records to Improve Deliverability
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an authentication method that verifies that the email actually came from the domain that sent it. When an email is sent out with DKIM, it…
Installing via Composer (Legacy Key Method)
This is the legacy way to connect to our Composer repository. Check out the new authentication method. All of our premium plugins and addons can be installed using Composer, similar…
Downloading gzipped files in Safari results in empty or incomplete export file
If you are using Safari as your browser for running an Export, and you have the “Compress file with gzip” checkbox selected, you may notice that the exported file is…
Quick Start Guide
Introduction This guide aims to help you start sending your site emails through Amazon SES with WP Offload SES as quickly as possible. This article covers the following steps: Login…
WP Offload SES Settings Constants
All settings in WP Offload SES can be defined using constants in your wp-config.php file. Main Settings define( ‘WPOSES_SETTINGS’, serialize( array( // Send site emails via Amazon SES. ‘send-via-ses’ =>…
How to Activate WP Offload SES
This guide shows how to activate WP Offload SES and your license key. A valid license key is required for WP Offload SES to receive plugin updates or provide access…
WP Offload SES Settings
Send Mail Using SES When enabled, all emails sent via WordPress will be routed through Amazon SES. We recommend waiting to turn this option on until your Amazon SES account…
Installing via Composer
We have a comprehensive doc for installing our plugins using Composer here. Follow the instructions in our comprehensive doc but swap in the following for WP Offload SES. Add Desired…
PHP Version Requirements
WP Offload SES requires a minimum of PHP 5.5 as it uses the AWS PHP SDK v3. Backup First! If your PHP version needs to be upgraded, please make sure…