The Best WordPress Backup Plugins for 2025
Backing up your site is a little like buying fire insurance. You never need it outside of a catastrophe, but not having it is just going to make the catastrophe…
A collection of resources for WordPress Developers, written and curated by experts
Backing up your site is a little like buying fire insurance. You never need it outside of a catastrophe, but not having it is just going to make the catastrophe…
The WordPress command line interface (WP-CLI) is a powerful WordPress-developer focused tool. We use it to help us write tests, manage changes to site databases, and we even have WP-CLI…
A local development environment lets you make changes to dev sites quickly without having to transfer files. It also greatly reduces the risk of making and breaking changes on a…
WP-CLI packages take the increased efficiency of the command line even further by extending it with new or modified commands. In this article, we’ll show you how to install packages,…
Webhooks are a mechanism for receiving notifications about events from disparate systems without having to continuously poll them. Also called Reverse APIs, they can be thought of as providing “API…
In this article, we look at the benefits and limitations of installing WordPress in a subdirectory, how to install and manage subdirectory installs, and how to move WordPress core out…
“Learn JavaScript. Deeply,” is good advice, but jumping right into the deep end when you’re first learning to swim may not be the smartest move. In this article, we’re going…
Every WordPress developer knows the feeling of despair when a migration fails, balanced by the immense feelings of relief when one succeeds. It’s a frustrating process for many devs, with…
How well do you really know wp-config? There’s a surprising amount of power in those few lines of PHP! This article is a tour of some bits of wp-config that…
Just about every WordPress website should be served over HTTPS instead of HTTP, for reasons of both security and SEO. HTTP content isn’t encrypted, leaving your site vulnerable, and Google…
Managing WordPress with Git and Composer has some big advantages. In particular, it can give you version control and helps get new people up to speed quickly. But it’s not…
Ever since I discovered how to configure PhpStorm with Xdebug for debugging, it’s been my go-to solution for hunting down difficult to reproduce bugs. What I didn’t know until very…
In 2018 Google started advocating that sites adopt HTTPS encryption, by marking sites not using an SSL certificate as “not secure” in their Chrome browser. This was widely accepted as…
The WordPress GUID is a unique identifier for individual posts, pages, media, and practically any other custom post type. As such, it’s a key element in rendering your WordPress content…
One of the cool things about my job as Developer Educator at Delicious Brains is that sometimes I get to try out new things that I might otherwise never discover.…
Whether you’re a developer, or a site owner troubleshooting a problem with your site, understanding the WP_DEBUG_LOG constant for turning on the WordPress debug log is very important. In this…
When building software or websites, you’ll need to use an integrated development environment (IDE), a code editor or if you’re really brave, a text editor. They each offer different benefits…
As you may have noticed from reading our blog, we’ve highly favored Mac and Linux for WordPress development. And we’re not alone – through my very scientific and thorough research,…
When running a WordPress website it’s best practice to at least run a local copy of the site so you can make changes without running the risk of completely ruining…
In my last article, I reviewed the best WordPress development environment apps out there. But that’s not all of it, there are a number of great options available as well…
Before Docker came on the scene Vagrant was the go-to solution for creating development environments that can be configured independently of your machine and shared with a team. There are…
Sure you migrate WordPress databases on the regular and have a pretty good idea of what you’re doing, but is there anything that could make your migrations go more quickly…